Monday, September 16, 2019

Go Chiefs, Back to School, and Triathlons

Each week our schedule slowly gets a little busier as activities start up again.  By next week everything will have started.  Soccer has begun for all four of them.  It is Atticus's first year, and so funny to watch him.  He just runs behind the mass of boys with a big smile on his face.  He is so very excited to be finally in a game of his own.
Finley also began playing on a team of girls from her school.  She enjoys going to soccer each week, and has made several friends on the team.  Now that we have all four in soccer, our Saturdays are spent at the ball fields for the next couple of months.
Two weeks ago Briley had a triathlon.  Andy took her because of course the others had soccer games.  This was the first time she had done an open water swim so she was a little nervous about it.  Andy said she was doing well with the swim, but was towards the back in the bike because she just had her mountain bike and everyone else had road bikes.  After the bike she began the run which is her strength.  She passed several people on that portion, and ended up getting third place for her age.  She beat her time by 20 minutes from the triathlon she did last year.  She seems to have the same drive as Andy, and now Andy, Briley, Finley, and Atticus are all doing one this week.  We will see how that goes.
That night we took the kids to a pre-season Chiefs game.  They have been wanting to go to a game so badly so we thought this was a good option.  It is a much tamer crowd for the most part, and cheaper tickets.  Their eyebrows were raised a few times during the game, but overall the crowd was pretty good.  Asa and Kelsey came to the game too, but things got a little mixed up, and they ended up not sitting near us.  Supposedly the starters were supposed to play the first three quarters of the game, but the Chiefs only had their starters in for the first quarter which was a bummer.  The 49ers left their starters in.  The kids were disappointed they didn't get to see Mahomes play a little more, but we understand that they would want to keep him off the field until the season officially starts.
The next morning, Andy and I got up early to go to a triathlon he was doing.  It was supposed to rain that morning, but they said they were going to have it, but use caution.  Andy was in the middle of the lake when the rain and lightening began, and for some reason they kept going.  He had no idea how bad it was until he finally made it to shore, and by then they had cancelled it.  Thankfully everyone made it out of the water safely, but I thought they should have pulled them much earlier.
Labor day weekend was a weekend where we really didn't have much going on, and it was so nice to just be at home.  We went to the pool, had a BBQ with friends, and then Briley invited her friends over for a outdoor movie night on Sunday.  It is so much easier to have her have friends over now that they are older.
Andy over Labor Day decided to tackle his closet because he kept losing things in there.  He had a big box from our move that had not been cleaned out yet sitting in there, and it just continued to get piled on.  You also couldn't shut the door easily because of this big box.  It was the final box that had not been unpacked from our move, and he emptied it, put in new flooring and shelves.  It looks so much better, and things are finally organized.
This week we had a couple of firsts.  Briley had her first cross country meet on Wednesday.  It started at 3:15 so I said I would be a little late since Baylor and Finley don't get out of school until 3:40.  We were pulling out of the elementary school when she texted to say she was done.  So now I need to figure out how I'm going to make it to the next one.  I'm hoping a neighbor can help me out.
That night after the meet, Finley went on a bike ride with Andy.  She got her scooter ran over by a neighbor so she is forced to ride her bike or nothing.  When they got back, she hopped on Atticus's bike and took off without training wheels.  She was one excited girl to finally be riding without the training wheels like Atticus.
I also volunteered in Finley's class one day this week which was fun.  She has a pretty cute class.  I was in charge of pulling them out one at a time to tell me their story of their stuffed animal visiting the class for the week.  It was nice to get to chat with each of them, and now I know who Finley is talking about when she comes home with her stories.

Andy and Briley's new bikes.


Zaki Sheikh said...
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