Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas is Almost Here!

 Wow, it is hard to believe that Christmas is almost here.  We have been busy with basketball, and Christmas fun.  Before Thanksgiving, we took the kids to Journey to Judea that was a live nativity done at a Church outside town.  It is really hard to get tickets, and after four years of trying, I finally got some.  As you enter the Church they handed out hot chocolate and cookies while you waited your turn.  When your number is called, you follow a person that takes you through the story of Jesus's birth while you walk along a trail in the woods.  At each stop, there was a fire to warm up by while someone acted out each part.  The neatest part was when they took us through the town of Bethlehem.  It was so lifelike, and you felt like you were really walking those streets.  I didn't get any pictures, but it was fun.

Next was Thanksgiving back home.  I took one pictures the whole time we were there.  I'm the worst at taking pictures in November.  It was a quick trip because we had to get back for Briley to go to Mariah Carey's concert.  She said the show was life changing, and I have to admit her videos did look fun.  I was  a smidge jealous that I didn't get tickets myself.

Andy and I went out with friends to the Miracle pop up bar earlier this month.  Such a fun night to get us in the spirit, but we unfortunately missed the Mahomes and Kelce/Swift group who went to the other Miracle bar downtown that same night.  After drinks, we went out to a yummy dinner on the plaza, and were back home by 9:30.  That is my kind of night out.

Breakfast with Santa is always a favorite for the kids.  Andy was very impressed with our time.  We ate a pancake breakfast, chatted with Santa, and were out of there by 10:15.  He loves to make good time.

That evening we went to Glowild at the zoo.  This is a relatively new event at our zoo, and so we decided to go check it out.  They had local artists design a light display for each area of the world, and they were very neat to see.  It was a mile walk around the lights, and then we stopped to see the aquarium that just opened up in September.  I think everyone in our family was pretty impressed the display. 

Brawners came over one night, and we look over to see Mary Claire sitting in the dog bed, naked, and using wipes to clean her self.  That girl makes us laugh so much.

Andy and I went out to pick up a new dishwasher because ours was acting up, and we left with a new mattress, and bed.  Posy is not happy that she can't get under our bed anymore.  She has tried every night for a week with no success. 

This past weekend, we had a basketball tournament for Finley and Atticus.  Atticus's team lost in the semi final round, and I think we were all ok with that.  Finley's team won the championship game, and they were so excited.  Finley had a lot of fun playing with all her friends.  It was a team that was made up of two teams from her school because a lot couldn't do it, and they loved playing together.

Finley got her haircut this week, and she loves that our hairstylist will style her hair however she wants.  She decided she wanted her hair straight, and she loves it.  Too bad Mom doesn't have that kind of time in the mornings.

We finished the week making gingerbread houses, and the Nutcracker at the Kauffman Center.  I think the kids are all very ready for Christmas to get here, and I think I've got things pretty much ready to go.  One more sleep until our Chritsmas morning!