This was an on year for Andy's family so everyone was able to come home to celebrate. We arrived in town on Wednesday afternoon, and really spent the rest of the week eating, and spending time with everyone. The kids headed off to play with cousins, and shortly after we had our first injury. Baylor was pushed, fell, and split his head open. Andy and his Dad took him into the office, and he was all fixed up. He was a little queasy for the rest of the night, and spent time just laying on the couch. Lissy felt so bad for him that she took him to Wal-Mart to buy a toy. He came back with some num chucks. We will see when the next injury occurs.
On Thursday, I made some sweet potatoes for dinner, and then headed over to my Mom's to let the kids take a nap. After they woke up, we went to have dinner at Andy's house. It was of course delicious! After dinner, we had dessert and then the kids played a fun little game with jelly beans. You would pick a color, and it would either taste good like lime, or bad like grass. Finley was really in to the game until she got a nasty one. The look on her face was priceless.
Friday was a busy day! The kids baked cookies that morning to deliver to people who had bought them from us. We were raising money for Carrying the Future. The children all had fun, and were rewarded with cookies to eat afterwards. My Mom had her Thanksgiving that afternoon, and again it was great. We left stuffed as we headed on to Ellie's 9th birthday party. It is hard for me to believe that she is nine. The last year of single digits. She had a gymnastics themed party that was very cute.
Saturday was our annual trip to the movies with Molly to see the last Hunger Games. I really don't know what we will do next year. The kids all went to see The Good Dinosaur, and I think they liked it too. That night we went to Karen's house for Thanksgiving dinner. We changed it up though, and had BBQ ribs. The dinner was great, and the kids had fun exploring a new house.
Sunday morning we got up, and went to Church to see Ellie baptized. After the baptism was over, we went by the Farwell house for breakfast. We packed our car up shortly after that, and we were on our way home. Another great Thanksgiving break in the books minus the head injury;)
Monday, December 14, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving
Atticus enjoyed his first Thanksgiving, especially the French Silk Pie
When the game was not so fun anymore for Finley.
These girls just make me giggle.
Off to deliver cookies
I love the little dimples on each of his ears.
At nine months, he is still loving any food I give him, started moving from a crawling position to a sitting position, loves getting into the dog bowl, just figured out how fun it is to drop things on the floor, he is head butting when you are holding him so watch out, is not a fan of Santa or Mrs Claus, is a complete flirt, and I can't for the life of me remember his weight and height from our last doctor's appointment. I'll have to ask the next time I am there.
Posted by The Early Family at 12:24 PM
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