Monday, November 23, 2015

Lots of Fun!

Andy and I got a rare night out on the town a couple of weeks ago to go to a concert with my Uncle Rick, Lisa, my cousin Suzy, and her husband Ray.  We met them at Jack Stack for dinner before making our way to Knuckleheads.  I'll be honest, I have never heard of this bar before, and it was definitely not in an area that I have ever ventured to.  I would describe it as a biker bar, and we were maybe a little out of place at first. Lisa got in line early, and was able to save us some seats right up in the front row so that was nice.  The band was late getting started, and that was hard for Andy and I.  We are early to bed kind of people, but I really enjoyed it after they finally got started.
The first band was Mickey and the Motorcars.  They had a tambourine guy that took his job seriously.  He made me giggle all night long.  We later found out that he used to be the drummer, and now lives in KC.  He was just playing with them for the night. You could tell that he must really miss it by the way he played his tambourine;)
The next band was Reckless Kelly.  I knew a few songs of theirs, so it was a little more entertaining to watch.  Again, they had a band member that could really make you laugh with his facial expressions.  Kind of a goober, but he enjoyed what he was doing.  They played a song called Romeo and Juliet that I really liked, but it has not been recorded yet.  I'll have to keep watching for this.  The fun part of this concert was that there are two brothers in the first band who are brothers with two boys from the second band.  They don't play together very often so that was fun to watch.  They came together for a few songs.

Tambourine man

All the brothers together.

The guy on the right cracked us up.

Finley has been sitting on the toilet each night before her bath for a long time, but she never actually goes to the bathroom until two weeks ago.  I knew she was ready, but I was hoping to hold out until after the holidays.  She had other plans.  She made a number two in the toilet, and from that moment on she thought that was pretty cool.  She began telling me every time she had to go to the bathroom so I put her in panties.  She has been excited about it, and she may be the easiest child we have had with potty training.  We will see what happens with distractions of traveling come along.

On Thursday, Briley went to her coach/4th grade teacher's house for dinner to celebrate the end of their GOTR season.  Briley was so excited to go, and I prayed she actually ate what was served.  They had mac and cheese so she was happy with that.  
This weekend Briley had her big Girls on the Run 5K.  We had all planned on going to cheer her on, but it was 18 degrees with the windchill so I stayed home with the kids.  I hated missing it, but I knew Atticus and Finley would not do well in that cold weather.  Briley did a great job placing 22 out of 320 third graders.  Andy said there were over a thousand girls running.  35:35 was her score.  She is already wanting to sign up for the spring run.  I love this organization, and I love it even more now that I know the Alphas are sponsors.  
As they were running, we decorated the house for Christmas.  Finley was a hot mess, but when is she not?  I was not doing the best at reminding her to go to the bathroom, and she went through all of her panties.  She ended up wearing Baylor's underwear, has an ornament hook in her hair, and her baby doll.  What else would a girl need?
Baylor was excited to get the nativity out.  He kept talking about the fairy, so we had to explain to him that it was in fact an angel.  

Andy put the kids in time out...

Baking cookies for Carry the Future

Go Blue River Bobcats!  The season is about to begin!