Monday, January 4, 2016

Merry Christmas!

It was another great Christmas in the Early household.  I felt a little rushed to get everything done, but we made it.  We spent our Christmas Eve eating dinner at Stroud's.  After dinner, we went home and the kids put their pajamas on.  They opened their sibling presents that night, and it was so fun to watch how proud they were to give a gift to their sibling.
After presents were opened we got our reindeer food, cookies, and milk out. Next was the reading of The Night Before Christmas, and then off to bed.

Briley gave Baylor Marshall from Paw Patrol, and Baylor gave Briley a new soccer ball.

I love the new addition to our mantel.  

 Viva always in the pictures...
The next morning Briley came in at 4:00 ready to go down and open presents.  I told her absolutely not, so she and Baylor traipsed back to bed.  They woke up again around 7:30 which was a lot better.  We made our way downstairs, and the fun began.  The big present this year was a basketball hoop, but really Briley will benefit most from this right now.  Andy and I try to keep Christmas simple by just doing five or six gifts for each child.  One gift is always a book(you know how I love books), 2- 3 fun gifts that they have been wanting, and the rest are needs like underwear, shoes, etc.  The favorites this year for Briley was a kindle from Santa, Kamp DVD/ornament, and an Easy Bake Oven  as her fun gifts.  Baylor received a Bat Cave from Santa, Zoomer dino, and tickets to see the Marvel Action Show. Finley got a tricycle from Santa, kitchen appliances, and a tutu that I made.  Atticus got a piggy bank toy from Santa, his first pair of shoes, a blanket I made for him, and his first Cardinals hat.  
This year Finley began to really get into opening presents.  She had to try each one out before moving to the next gift.  Whether she was getting underwear or a box of art supplies, she was excited.
Andy and I decided to buy a front door for our gift to each other, but we did still do some stocking stuffers.  It isn't the most exciting, but it did take a little stress off of the holidays.  The kids gave me a locket necklace that they helped pick out.  It was very sweet, and I love that they thought to do it all by themselves.  Baylor made Andy and I a picture of Rudolf using his handprints and his face.  He was very proud of it.  Sadly, this is the first year Briley did not make a gift at school.  She said they were too old to be doing that anymore:(  Kind of made me a little sad.

I love the mess of Christmas.

 After we ate breakfast, we packed the car, and went to Kirksville. The first stop was Andy's parent's house.  We unloaded the car, and decompressed from the car ride before going over to Rick and Lisa's for dinner.  Santa made a surprise visit at Grandma and Papa's, which was exciting to some and terrifying for others.  It was so nice of him to make such a visit on Christmas Eve.  Finley was not having anything to do with Santa, and I think Atticus was a little annoyed that the man in red had made another appearance.  Briley and Baylor were pretty excited though.

Rick and Lisa had soup and appetizers for dinner, and it was good to catch up with them.  Lisa's grandson was there, and the kids all had a good time together.  Atticus and Finley got their piggy banks, and Briley and Baylor got Kiwi/Doodle crates.  I know they will have a great time using them this winter.  
Later that night we got our fancy clothes on to go to midnight mass.  Briley and Finley both stayed up for the whole mass.  The music was beautiful, Church was perfectly decorated, and I could understand what the priest was saying.  

We all got home, and listened to Andy's Dad read the Night Before Christmas, and then it was off to bed.  We fell asleep around 2:30, and the kids were back up at 7:30 am for another exciting morning.  We had asked Andy's parents for Disney giftcards for Christmas, and they decided to give them to everyone.  Molly made a fun video of past trips, and Andy's Mom made us each a book of old Disney trip pictures.  So much fun!  I really can't wait to take them again because each trip is so much fun to watch the joy in their eyes.  The first trip we took you could see the excitement in Briley's eyes as she caught her first glimpse of a Disney character at the parade, the second trip was about celebrating Baylor's birthday, and seeing Mickey and Donald Duck, this next trip I know will be all about Finley.  She is going to love every moment of it.

 He never snuggles with me like he is with Andrew.

 Finley was so excited to get a sleeping bag.  She took it everywhere.

 Luggage for some fun traveling.

 Scooter for Briley and a Train for Baylor.  I think my Dad is pretty excited for Baylor to get a Lionel Train.

 Early Family gift exchange was pretty crazy! Owen wanted order, but it did not happen.

 This was a little toilet for Finley's dolls, she later decided to test it out herself.  Did not go so well...
 We got Andy's parents tickets to see Late Night Catechism at the Starlight.  I think it should be pretty entertaining.

 After we did our gift exchange, we packed the car and went to my Mom's to spend the night there.  After a great night of sleep, we got up to open presents.  Atticus did not join us until 1:00 in the afternoon!  I think he was so exhausted from the business of the holidays.  We gave Mom and Jeff a night out on the plaza this January.  I also gave Jeff a selfie stick because I knew he would have fun with it;)  
My Grandma came up later that afternoon for lunch.  She gave the kids all their own luggage, and they were pretty excited about it.  Can't wait to test it out on our trip to the beach this summer.
 Loves her cowgirl boots.

 Baylor's face every time he opened a gift, and it was clothes.  

Asa is our Axel

Our faces after drinking Montana wine:/

Merry Christmas to all!