Monday, March 14, 2016

Valentine's Day Fun and Basketball

For Valentine's Day, Andy and I gave Briley and Baylor a trip to the ice skating rink.  We took them on Saturday.  It was seventy degrees and sunny.  Perfect day for iceskating;)  We really thought Baylor would get frustrated, but he did surprisingly well.  Briley did a great job, and I think that probably has to do with her roller blading I'm sure.  They skated for about an hour and a half, and loved every minute!

We also had our last regularly scheduled basketball game this weekend.  Briley has had a great season, and I'm glad she loves the game so much.  They got their trophies last week at practice, and took a team picture.  It has been a long dramatic season, but I'm hopeful things will fall into place next year.
We have also been playing a lot of basketball outside with this beautiful weather.  So ready for spring to be here.  These last few days have been so nice to get outside.  
Update:  Our computer crashed and we had to send it in before I could finish the post. 
Spring is definitely here with the grass green, flowers and trees are in bloom, and the birds are chirping.  We ended our basketball season, and we went right into soccer in the same weekend.  The first few games were a little rough, and Briley got long lectures from her Dad about not being scared of the ball.  I guess it helped because she went out there, and did her best this week.  She even scored her first goal in over a year, so that was pretty exciting.  I haven't gotten any pictures yet, but I need to.  
Since I last posted we had my big birthday celebration.  I got a Costco red velvet cake, Garrozzos, and a gift card to go to the spa while I am at Big Cedar.  I am counting the days!
Lastly, Atticus got to do a little painting on canvas.  He wasn't so sure about it, and in fact he got rather mad when he couldn't get it to come off his hands.  He intensely painted to try to rub it all off.