Life has been busy around our house and it is going to be a bit crazier in the coming weeks. This is our perfect storm when soccer hasn't finished and softball has begun. It is just a few weeks of overlapping, but it is crazy. It's funny that often times parent's get the mentality that their child has to specialize in a sport, and only do that one sport. It is a fact that being diverse is better for your body, and we have seen it to be true with Briley. She just began practicing for softball, and Andy said he couldn't believe how much power she had behind her swing this year. It is also the first year she had played basketball. I really think the strengthening of her arms while shooting hoops and dribbling crossed right over to softball. I can't wait to see how the season goes for her on a new team.
Baylor begins his soccer season this weekend, and he is so excited. It's weird that his season is just beginning, and Briley only has three more games left of hers. He also has a big day on Friday. He gets to go to kindergarten round up. This has been talked about just as much as his birthday. We have to look at the calendar each day to count how many more days. He keeps telling me how excited he is to meet his new friends.
Finley has been so excited about Pinkalicious lately. Her love for that book is just as much as Briley's was. She reads it along with you, so there is no skipping pages with her. She also likes to use the word favorite. She will say Pinkalicious is her favorite, and Daddy is sweet enough to read it to her about every night.
Atticus had a nasty rash a few weeks ago. He was looking pretty miserable, but luckily it has started to clear up. I was so good about taking monthly pictures of him during his first year, and I keep thinking I need to still do it every so often so I remember the little things to note. Last night he started waving when Andy asked if he was ready to go night night. He did it today at nap time too. It is the cutest thing, and then he clapped his hands when I put him in bed. He has also learned recently how to go down the stairs. I always hate this time when they are still so small, and I am always scared to death they are going to take a bad tumble down. Atticus and food... He went his whole meal with a noodle stuck in his hair. He has also been in to getting in the trash to find snacks. He scored with this piece of bacon.
Two weekends ago Andy and I got a very rare night out on the town. Andy's cousin Lucy was in charge of the Catholic Charities Soiree down at Union Station so we went for the second year. It is a fun night to get all dressed up, sample a lot of food from local restaurants, open bar, and dancing. A lot of his family was there, and it was good to see them all. In fact, we hadn't seen them since last year's soiree. This year we were able to get a hotel room close by so that was great to not have to worry about who was going to have to drive. Asa came down to babysit the kids for us, and I think it went pretty smoothly. He had made eggs, cleaned up the kitchen, and three out of the four kids were dressed and ready to go to the soccer game. As usual, we didn't get any good picture of ourselves. They had a photographer taking pictures as you came in, but we didn't want to wait in line.
My Mom sent us a box of books that she and Jeff had found for Briley. Baylor set them all up around our dining room like a library. He is such a creative boy.
Lastly, this past weekend we went to Kirksville for Briley to play basketball with Ellie and her friends for the K-Life 3 on 3 tournament. They had a great time playing together even though there were only two girls teams so they had to play boys. It was fun to have all of her family there to watch her play. She kept looking over and smiling at everyone. It was pretty cute. Side note on Finley: She wanted to go to the bathroom during one of Briley's games and on our way she said, "that is the boy's bathroom, and this is the girls." I told her she was right and then she went on to say, "I like boys." Oh that girl is going to be my challenge.
We also celebrated Jackson's 12th birthday. I can't tell you the last time we were home for one of his birthdays, and we were happy to celebrate the day with him.
This week our butterflies began coming out of their crysthlids so the kids have had fun watching that. Our robin has also begun to lay her eggs in her nest outside our dining room window again. This is the third year in a row. There is one egg in there now, and we will see how many more there will be. The kids love watching all of this, and Briley seems to be very knowledgable in all things relating to nature, or at least she acts like it. She gives Baylor all of the facts.
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