Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mr. Atticus

Although Atticus will always be the baby of our family, I feel like once the kids turn 2 they are really more of a toddler than a baby.  Atticus is definitely becoming more of a big boy who is really testing his boundaries.  He likes to color...on everything, he has become more vocal, and he has started hitting us or throwing things when he gets mad, but when you say his name sternly he will look at you with those big brown eyes and give you a hug to say he is sorry.
Did I mention he loves throwing things?  Truly throws things all day long.  He will count to three and then chuck whatever may be in his hands.  If you take him outside you spend your time running after balls going down the street.  He also loves to mow and vacuum around the house.  He always finds a way to stay busy; always busy.
He also loves going to bed.  He will tell us when he wants to go night night, and has to sleep with his bunny, blankie, and paci.  He must say goodnight to everyone before going to bed.
As far as food goes he loves avocados, olives, all fruit, and hot chocolate.  You don't mention hot chocolate in front of Atticus or he will be digging the hot chocolate maker out of the kitchen cabinet. His favorite treat!
Atticus has had an explosion with language lately. He has really started talking more now that Finley is not around in the mornings.  He gets one on one time with me.  He will say something and then repeat it until you answer him.  You can't just answer him with "ok".  He wants to make sure you understand him.  If he says "thank you", you say "your welcome" or he will continue to say thank you.  It can sometimes be like listening to a broken record.
Finally, I mentioned that he was busy. He likes to hide things like toothbrushes, if you can't find something look in the laundry hamper or trash can. He is always moving and getting into things.  He keeps me on my toes that is for sure!
Can't imagine what life would be like right now if this little boy was not in our lives.  He melts my heart when he gives me that smile when I walk into get him out of bed each morning, and brings so much joy to our lives; maybe a few gray hairs too.  We love you little man, and we hope this next year brings you a lot of new adventures.