Friday, September 28, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

Life has been crazy in the Early household lately!  I have always tried to make our lives simple so that the kids could enjoy just being kids, but this fall has been busy.  #1 I never realized the homework that a Kindergartener would have.  She gets a packet sent home every Monday and it must be returned on Friday.  I know it is a great habit to get into, but it adds to the night.  #2 Dance and soccer two nights a week.  #3Short staffed at school.#4 Andy got a new position which is great and he is back doing what he did before the market crashed six years ago, but he works late nights and travels which is a huge adjustment for us.  He was in Ohio last week and LA this week.  I know we will get through it all but right now I feel like we can't catch our breaths. Hopefully things will slow down soon or one can hope.  With that being said, here is a run down of what has been going on with us.
Briley has been doing great in school.  Her teacher says that she is always eager to learn and willing to help out her classmates.  We do need to work on controlling her talking, raising her hand, and listening when teacher's and classmates are talking:)  Briley has enjoyed making new friends and she got to go to a birthday party a few weeks ago at a karate school.  One of the parents in the class owns it and of course she has now decided she needs to do karate.  I know she would love it, but then again what does Briley not love?
Briley lost her tooth on September 18th when she was brushing her teeth for school.  She was so excited to finally get a visit from the tooth fairy.  We got out her tooth fairy pillow that her Great Grandma made for her which was a pretty big deal.
Baylor has been as busy as always.  He has really found a fascination with the mower.  We mow every yard in the cul-de-sac and then we move on to the park.  He mowed the whole way and back.  He's also been doing well with his speech lately.  He is talking more and more and it shocks me when he spouts out a sentence and I understand it.
A couple weeks ago we went to the Sporting KC soccer game and they tied against Houston.  We are ranked number one right now so its pretty exciting.  It is the one KC team that is successful.  My Dad came in town for the rest of the weekend.  We had a soccer game at 8:15 Saturday morning and of course we didn't set the alarm because the kids are always up early...except on this day.  I rolled over and saw that is was 7:30.  I jumped up and started racing around and then I looked at my phone to see my Dad had called.  I look out and there is his car and he is sitting on our back porch.  He didn't want to wake us up.  I wish he would have!  Later that day I took him downtown because he wanted to see what Overland Parks downtown looked like and then we went to an Irish pub for dinner and to watch the MU game.  The next morning Briley and I ended up with the stomach flu.  I felt so bad for being a bad hostess.  I am just thankful he didn't end up getting sick.
Mom, Asa, Jeff, and Lissy came last weekend and we had a great time.  We went to the Plaza Art Fair and met the Brawners for awhile which was fun, did some shopping, Lissy took some cute pictures of Miss Briley, and the boys went to a Royals game.  We also met Andy's parents on Sunday night for dinner as they were passing through.
Andy's birthday was this past Wednesday and he requested fried chicken and french silk pie.  Delicious and oh so healthy.  I had bought him a grill for his birthday and I stored it at our neighbor's house in their garage.  They sent me a text that night saying they opened the garage door for us.  We walk over and his present is sitting in the middle of the garage with a blanket draped over it and a big bow on top, our neighbors were no where in sight like it was some intimate moment.  So funny.
That has been about it for now, and it looks like we hopefully have a relaxing weekend in our future:)

First tooth lost

Go Sporting!

Viva is a little intimidated by the giant cake.

Mowing our way to the park

"Some eye candy for my favorite Andy"
Probably the best card received this year:)