Thursday, January 28, 2021

January is Coming to an End

 January will soon be coming to a close.  We have been busy with basketball, indoor soccer games, playing in the snow, and of course watching the Chiefs.  We took the kids sledding on New Year's Day at the library.  The kids all had so much fun, and they are begging for us to go again.  They had a great time  sledding with their cousins along with building a cute little snowman for our yard, trip to the bake shop, and a sleepover with Aunt Lissy to finish out Christmas break.

We also had a lot of excitement involving teeth this month.  Atticus is one happy boy after losing his first tooth.  He discovered it was loose, and would not stop wiggling it until it came out.  He lost it right at the end of the school day so his teacher told him to just put it in his pocket.  Shockingly it made it home.  He was so excited that night to get out his tooth fairy pillow, and have the tooth fairy finally visit him.

Briley got her braces off at the beginning of January.  They gave her whitening strips, a big cup of sticky/hard candy and popcorn that you aren't supposed to eat while having braces on, a Dick's gift card, and a bottle of sparkling grape juice.  Definitely makes up for the thousands spent on the braces.  She has one beautiful smile, and maybe one day she will be able to show it off at school.

The J just recently did a big renovation and expansion.  The kids have been begging to go so we took them over Martin Luther King weekend.  They loved all the new equipment, and said it was challenging for all of them to do.  

The big Inauguration was also last week.  I always love watching this day regardless of whether I like the candidate or not.  It always makes me think of my Grandpa, and how patriotic he was.  While he was very much a Republican and always voted a straight ticket, he also taught us that a President should be respected.  He even took us to meet President Clinton when he was campaigning for his first election, and as we stood outside waiting for what seemed like hours, my Grandpa had a big smile on his face when he shook our hands.  As we walked away, I remember him beaming and saying that we may have just shook hands with the next president.  I guess that is why it is so hard for me to understand all the hateful things people say.  I may not always agree with what the President in office is doing, but as an American I hope he succeeds for us all.  

Andy was lucky enough to be asked to the first play off game for the Chiefs.  He was of course very excited to go, and our kids were so jealous.  We watched from home while he sent us videos of how much fun he was having there.  The following week we watched the game with the Brawners.  So excited to see the Chiefs heading back to the Super Bowl!  

Finley was contact traced this week so she is home with me for the next few days.  I think she is honestly a little excited about getting to stay home while everyone else has to go to school.  It is pretty crazy with having four kids that this is the first time we have had someone quarantined.  What I think is even crazier about it all is that everyone else can go on doing what they have been doing.  She is the only one that has to stay home while the others can still go to school, and their activities.  It is all so weird.

Love this watercolor print that Lissy did for us!