Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A Cold February

 I left off with the excitement of the Chiefs heading to the Super Bowl again.  The kids had spirit days throughout the week, Caroline had a super cute cake made, and I ordered donuts and cookies that were Chiefs themed.  Unfortunately the outcome was not what we wanted.  We had a few guys that got hurt and were out of the game.  It really made a difference.  We were bummed, and I think in a little bit of a shock that it did not go the way we thought it would.  Hopefully they will be back next year.

The kids are wrapping up their seasons in the next 2 weeks, and then comes outdoor soccer.  Baylor's team just finally won two games in a row in basketball.  Their first wins of the season.  It is too bad it happened at the end of the season.  They have a tournament this weekend so we will see how that goes.

We recently had one of the coldest spells in a long time.  Kansas City broke some records during this time.  The kids did not have school, and we spent our time inside.  They had rolling power outages throughout the city to conserve energy during the week.  Andy does a master swim class where they open the sliding glass doors to the indoor pool so it doesn't get hot while they swim.  The fog was crazy from the cold outside to the warmth of the pool.  

We did decide to make a trip to Kirksville to have a birthday party for Atticus.  It was nice to see everyone, and celebrate Atticus turning 6 even if the weather was miserable outside.  It had been three years since we had done a party for him with family so he was excited about all the attention.  We ordered pizza, and one of my high school friends made the cake for us.  Atticus also requested to have trick candles on the cake.  Still a funny trick even if you know they are trick candles;). He was one happy boy at the end of the night.

Grandma was not a fan of the trick candles smoking up her house.