Thursday, April 1, 2021

Happy 11th Birthday Baylor!

We celebrated Baylor's big day on Wednesday.  He woke up early that morning, and tried to act all serious as he came down the stairs, but he cracked a smile when I started to sing to him.  We made pancakes that morning, and then they were off to school.  My Mom came down to celebrate so we spent the day running a few errands before getting them picked up at school.

That night we had the Brawners over for Baylor's favorite meal of Joe's BBQ.  After dinner, we moved on to presents.  He was really excited about the gifts he got this year.  It is hard to get Mr. Serious excited, but we succeeded! He got a new night time light for his room, an Arrowhead picture that has the names of every player within the art, a go kart attachment for the hoverboard, and a few things to add to his video gear.  He had also gotten new football cleats and a mouthguard because he has been begging us to play flag football so we gave in to the added craziness in our schedule by letting him play this spring.  Next, was his DQ cake to finish off the evening. He told us that night that it was a really good birthday.  Glad we made his day special.

That Friday we celebrated his birthday with his friends.  We rented a shelter at Meadowbrook Park.  The boys played flag football, and played on the playground for two hours without Andy and I really having to do too much.  We decided it was the easiest birthday we have ever had, and he said he had a blast.  

We had so much fun celebrating you last week.  We hope you know how much you are loved.  You are not the forgotten one stuck in the middle of our family like you always say.  Our family is only complete because you are right in the middle of it.  We love your determination, creativity, your smile, the snuggles I still get at age 11, and that you stick up for yourself and those you love.  One of my very favorite things about you is that you have confidence that can move mountains, and I know one day you will.  Love you B-Man. 

 Color: Blue

Toy: Hoverboards

Food: Joe's BBQ

Song: God's Plan

Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy

TV show: Duck Tales

Sport: Soccer and Football

Team: Sporting KC and Chiefs

What makes you happy: Playing sports

Favorite Place: Disney

What do you want to be: Professional athlete

Book: Guinness World Record book