Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Spring Break

 We kicked off spring break this year with a cold and wet soccer game.  I really dislike spring soccer because it always seems to be cold and wet.  That Monday,  I took the kids back to Kirksville for a few days to spend with family.  The kids had a great time hanging out with their cousins.  Baylor and Owen made a new Youtube video, Aunt Lissy had all kinds of fun activities like tie dying and pasta making, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day with some green pancakes, the ladies went downtown to Sip, and we finished our trip by making a stop in Marceline on the way home go to the Walt Disney Museum.  My Dad came along with us.  I think he was more interested in the train history at the depot than the Disney memorabilia, but we had fun.  I have always wanted to stop to see the museum and while it was small, it was well done.  

My Dad gave Baylor his birthday card before we left.  The money was burning a hole in his pocket so we went skateboard shopping on Friday.  He found one he liked at Scheel's, and he has been riding it every day since then.  His friend also enjoys skateboarding so Andy took them to the skateboard park one day when it was nice.  I'm sure there will be some Youtube videos to come shortly.  

The weather finally started to clear up towards the end of the break and the kids were able to spend more time outside.  Baylor had a sleepover at his friend's house on Friday, and then Saturday morning I took the other kids to explore Wonderscope.  They recently remodeled it, and the two younger ones had a blast.  There was a lot of fun areas to explore like art, construction, a grocery store, climbing, and water play.

That night we ended up having a last minute get together with some friends of ours in the neighborhood.  It was so good to have them over and catch up.  Things are beginning to get back to normal again, and that makes me so happy. 

Monday was the last day of break so I took the kids to bowl at Pinstripes.  They were so excited to finally go.  Asa and Kelsey had given them a gift card for Christmas.  Atticus blew everyone out of the water.  He is one natural bowler.  It also helps when you have the rails up and use the slide to roll the ball down. 

The kids were all back to school on Tuesday, and it was the beginning of Briley going full time for her last quarter of 8th grade.  We pulled up, and she was so embarrassed to get out of the car because they had a big sign in the front, a blue carpet rolled out, balloons, and teachers cheering as the kids walked down the hall.  So much fun to be a middle school student.