Friday, May 7, 2021

Happy 14th Birthday Briley!

Life has been so busy this past month, and I have really gotten behind in my posting. Briley turned fourteen two weeks ago, and that is pretty hard to wrap my head around. She will officially be a high schooler in less than a month. We celebrated her day by taking her, and a few of her friends to Top Golf. They had a good time golfing, laughing at each other's swings, and eating. Afterwards they all came to our house to hang out for the rest of the evening. It is so nice to see life returning back to normal, and her friends able to hang out again. On her actual birthday, I made her breakfast rolls before we went to Church. That afternoon, I took her to get her nails done. She has been begging me for awhile so I thought if we did it on Sunday they would hopefully last until Confirmation on Friday. We had a few ballgames that afternoon and then we all met up at Cactus Grill for dinner. Briley loves her Mexican food. That night we had some cookie cake with ice cream, and opened up her presents. She got a new ripstik, clothes, a mirror and led lights for her room, shoes, earrings, and a few other things. Briley has grown up so much this year. I look at pictures of her from last year to now, and the change is huge. She turned into a lady in a blink of an eye, and we are so proud of the person she has become. She is very active in so many things, and we love watching her do the sports she loves. Whether she is racing across a finish line or scoring a soccer goal, we will always be her biggest fan in the stands. High school can be a bit intimidating at first, but I know she will do just fine. So many fun memories lay ahead for her! Enjoy the good times, and don't sweat the small stuff. Happy Birthday Briley! 

Color: Light Blue 
Food: Chips and Queso 
Movie: Peter Pan 
TV Show: Gossip Girl 
Song:Bang by AJR 
Book: I don't read;) 
Sports team: Chiefs and Cardinals 
Sport: All of them! 
 What makes you happy: My family and friends 
Favorite place to be: Seaside