Saturday, May 8, 2021

One Big Spring Post

I'm really delayed in posting so I will do a brief summary of what has been going on with us this past month. We went back to Kirksville to celebrate the holiday. It was a nice weekend so the kids were able to get out and play. After Church on Sunday, we had a few Easter egg hunts, lunch at the lake, and then we came home to see what the Easter bunny left the kids, and do our last hunt. It was nice to have a weekend away, and I think we are really in need of it again as our weeks have been filled with games, practices, and meets. I just keep telling myself it is coming to an end in about two more weeks. We can do it! Speaking of games, practices, and meets, we have had a lot. Briley is rocking it at track. She still doesn't know if she will do it in high school or not, but she has not lost yet in the 400M or the 800M. Andy thinks if she really trained she would do really well in high school, but it is a choice that she will have to make. Baylor has been busy with soccer, and flag football. This is the first year playing football and he is starting to get the hang of it. He doesn't like memorizing the plays, but we got him and arm sleeve so that he always has them on the field and it helps. He also has his last soccer game next weekend, and if they win, they will place first. Exciting stuff! Finley has been busy with soccer as well. She also started softball practice. Their first game is next week. Her team name is the Rainbow Dolphins. I'm curious to see how this sport goes for her. Atticus is busy with soccer also, and he just started baseball for the first time. He is such a little guy out there, and I feel like he can hardly hold his bat up. He is so excited to be playing with several of his friends though. A few weeks ago the Cleaver crew was in town to celebrate Tab's birthday. They stayed at the Loew's downtown, and we met up with them for dinner and drinks Saturday night. It was such a fun night out! We got a picture of the boy's, but forgot to get the girls. Last weekend was Briley's Confirmation. It was a beautiful mass, and Lissy got some great pictures to capture the moment. Briley chose Saint Josephine Bakhita as her saint. She got some fun new jewelry that she may not appreciate now, but hopefully some day she will appreciate what this day stands for a little more.