Sunday, May 30, 2021

May Day to the Last Day of School

My how the days seem to fly by lately. We had another busy month, and I keep thinking it will slow down by June and then I look at June...still busy. I sometimes question whether we will miss this or not. May Day flowers were quickly dispersed between games, and Briley wasn't here at all for it. We had a few complainers, but Finley did it with a smile on her face. That first week of May, I finally got my new chairs for the living room. I ordered them at the beginning of October! The Pandemic has really done a number on supplies in all areas. The Traveling Mary has been with us for the month of May. Finley wrote the sweetest little note about Viva in the prayer book. She has such a kind, and caring heart. Number 3 will be the one to take care of us one day. The next weekend was Mother's Day, and the Bulldog Bolt. We were the water stop along the way so we had our sidewalk decorated with chalk and balloons. Atticus, Finley, and I did the one mile fun run while Baylor and Briley did the 5K. It was a virtual race this year, but the committee did a great job making it fun along the way. We had a wonderful day off from games on Mother's Day. The Brawners came over after Church to have brunch, and then we relaxed the rest of the day. Finley painted my toes, I made Briley watch Steel Magnolias with me, and they gave me sweet little presents along with a reservation to a cooking class over Memorial Day. It should be a fun little night out for Andy and I and two of our friends. 

Baseball and softball have started for Finley and Atticus. This is the first time they have ever played, but they seem very excited about it. They both have gotten a couple of hits in their games, and that always builds a little confidence. Briley wrapped up her last season with the Screaming Eagles. She was sad to see the season end, and I think the coaches were sad to officially be done coaching them. Briley had a goal in her last game so it was a good way to go out. We had a lunch at the coach's house afterwards with snow cones to finish it off. I think Briley had 4. The end of track came the same week as soccer. Briley really enjoyed the season, and she did very well in the 800M. That seems to be her favorite event. She hopes to be able to run the 800M in track, and play soccer in high school. We will see how that all goes for her next year. Two things she just can't seem to give up. Andy had a triathlon last weekend. It was a miserable morning of pretty consistent rain. He finished 5th in his age group, and 25th overall. He was happy that his sciatic nerve didn't cause him any issues. 
Next was the big dance recital for Finley. She was so excited to finally be able to dance on the stage again. The recital was held at a movie theater since the schools wouldn't allow them to have the recital there. We would like them to continue that! The kids thought it was great to have concessions open while they watched the recital. Finley danced to Sunshine and Lollipops, and If Only from Descendants. All soccer seasons and a football season wrapped up this past weekend. Baylor's team tied for first place. He scored his first touchdown in a suspenseful last game of the season. He says he wants to play again next fall. He seems to really enjoy it, and has learned so much since his first game. 
We had the 8th grade graduation this past Thursday. She had doughnuts with her friends that morning before school, graduation ceremony that the parents got to watch on zoom, a day of games in the gym, and then a clap out on the track with parents and the rest of the student body. Andy and I had always warned her that middle school years are hard, but she has loved them. She is really going to miss LMS which says a lot for the school. 
I picked Briley up at 10:45 on her last day, and then she was off with her friends to eat at Shake Shack, and then swim at her friend's house. I got the younger three later that afternoon, and it was all smiles for them. So happy we got through this year, and we are looking forward to a fun filled summer! 
Andy and I went with some friends to do my Mother's Day gift on Saturday. The cooking class was at Tastebuds, and we made Chicken Parmesan, mushroom risotto, and cannoli. We had so much fun doing the class, and I think we walked away learning something. Such a good night out!