Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Summer Happenings

 Summer is flying by so fast!  It is hard to believe that the kids will be back in school in less than a month.  Softball, baseball, and swim have wrapped up for the summer so we have a few weeks without as much running around.  Briley decided this was her last year of swim, and Finley loved her first year.  Finley and Atticus both enjoyed baseball/softball this year.  While the games are sometimes long, I do think they look awfully cute out there when they are this small.  

Finley had one swim meet in pre-compete, and she ended up placing first in her two events.  Andy had never been to any practices, and he was surprised at how well she did.  Going to practice everyday, definitely makes them stronger swimmers.  I wish I could talk Baylor and Atticus into it.

Finley, Briley, and Atticus also competed in The J triathlon at the end of June.  They did a great job with Briley taking first for her age group, Finley got 3rd, and Atticus got 3rd.  I missed Atticus starting his swim because I was out cheering Finley on, but Andy said he just went from one lifeguards buoy to the next without swimming one stroke.  Definitely going to have to work on that with him.  Baylor had a dream that he should join them in their triathlons, and so we signed him up for one in August along with Finley and Atticus.  Briley has cross country time trials that day so he was able to take her spot.  The kids all seem to be following in their dad's footsteps.

We went back to Kirksville for the Fourth of July.  It was our first time back for the summer which is very unlike us, but summer has been busy.  It was nice to have some time back home for the kids to play with cousins, and swim all day long. We celebrated the fourth on Saturday so that people could go home on Sunday if they needed to.  The party was fun, and we have a few pyros in the family who loved shooting off fireworks all night. We decided to stay on Sunday, and had the Cleaver family over to swim.  It is always a good time catching up with them.  We have been dreaming of our next big trip together to celebrate our 40th birthdays.

Atticus has really improved with his swimming since the triathlon.  He has even gotten brave enough to jump off the diving board and the zip line.  

Right before vacation, I took Atticus and Finley to Deanna Rose.  The older two have outgrown it, and didn't want to come along with us.  We fed the goats, played on the playground, fed the fish, got ice cream, went on the nature walk, and rode the tractors.  They had a blast, and I'm happy I still have two that want to go with me.