Sunday, August 1, 2021

Beach Vacation 2021

 We went to the beach a couple of weeks ago with Andy's whole family. Our flight went smoothly getting to Panama City, but when Andy went to get the car, there wasn't any left.  We waited 2.5 hours for a car.  At that point we got one, but it was smaller than we had reserved.  We didn't care as long as it fit us.  Finally we were on our way to the house.

We stayed at Sandy Shores, which is where we have stayed the two previous times.  The kids were all happy to go back to that house, and sad that it was probably the last time we will be staying there.  We had perfect weather while we were there, and the kids had so much fun spending the week with their cousins. The older kids enjoyed riding bikes around the area this year.  They would go to the beach, and then head off for shopping and ice cream at lunch time.  They are getting so big, and it's crazy to think that the next time we do this, Briley will be a Junior!  

The triathletes would get up at the crack of dawn every morning to run, bike, and swim.  I would usually get up and go for long walks through Alys and Rosemary.  One day Andy and I decided to walk to where we stay when we come with my Mom.  We thought it was closer than it was, and it ended up being a 4 mile walk on the beach round trip.  We passed by some old beach houses that we loved because they haven't been torn down to build a big house.  Looked like it was a bunch of Grandmas and Grandpas waiting for their grandkids to come visit.

Two of the nights we went out to dinner.  We decided to take advantage of the fact that we were so close to so many that we could walk to.  We ate at Laco one night.  It is a latin restaurant that we ate at last year.  We love their salsa.  Afterwards we got ice cream in Rosemary, and walked the streets.  There was a fun little band playing in the amphitheater so we stopped to listen for awhile.  Elvis even made an appearance which was fun. 

The second night that we ate out, we did the same routine only we ate at Lola's Italian.  It was really good, and easy.  They have a limited menu, and you order your food when you come in.  It is at your table shortly after.  Definitely a place I want to go back to next time.

One afternoon, the girls decided to go out to lunch.  We decided on Seaside, and ate at Bud and Ally's.  Seaside was such a mess with crowds, and it took us quite awhile to park.  They also had lines out every door to the shops.  It was the most crowded that I have ever seen it.  

The rest of the week was spent on the beach.  We had quite a few red flag days so the kids did some boogie boarding.  Baylor got a skim board, and he loved doing that.  One day we had several of the jelly fish that don't sting.  The kids were gathering those up, and putting them all over everyone.  They stayed busy all day long.  

There was one night where I was in our bedroom reading, and Atticus came in.  He laid down next to me, and asked why we had to have parties every night.  He then quickly fell asleep.  He spent another night down on the bottom level watching tv with Andrew.  He and Andrew must feel the same way about being around 40 people for a week.  Instead of sleeping with all the kids upstairs, he found that Lissy had a bunk bed, and he slept with her all week.  He likes to have a little alone time I guess.;) 

We celebrated Emmie, Gabbie, Annie, and Charlotte's birthdays while we there one night.  They were all excited about having their birthday at the beach.  Complete with mermaid cakes.  

Overall, it was a great trip with a lot of fun memories made!  The kids are all looking forward to doing it again in two years.

Found a Lambo on our Rosemary walk.

Recreating a picture from when they were little, and in matching swimsuits.

The only picture to document that I was there!