Monday, September 27, 2021

September Travels

 We began Labor Day weekend with a trip to St. Louis.  Andy and Brad were doing a triathlon on Sunday morning, so we made a weekend of it.  When we got to town, we took the kids to the Magic House.  Briley and Baylor were so little when we were last there so they don't remember it at all.  Atticus and Finley had so much playing all day.  Atticus was in his element.

That night, we went out to dinner to celebrate Lissy's birthday.  The dinner was very good, and some of us had a good time while others were wanting to get to bed because they had a big triathlon the next morning.  After dinner, Andy and I went to Molly and Brad's to sleep while the kids stayed with the Sedlaks.  We thought it would be easier since we had to get up so early for the race.  

The boys left early that morning with Molly and I following behind an hour later.  It was a nice morning for a race, and Andy really enjoyed the course. 

We then went back for them to take showers before heading over to the Sedlaks.  A lot of things were booked around St. Louis with it being Labor Day weekend, so we ended up going to miniature golf that afternoon.  While it wasn't a St. Louis outing, the kids had a lot of fun playing golf. 

Monday morning, we got up and went to Ted Drewe's for some custard before meeting everyone.  We went to Union Station for lunch at the soda shop there, and then we rode the ferris wheel and merry go round.  It was our first time there since they had redone all of that.  They really did a great job with it.

Next, we were off to Bush Stadium for the game.  It unfortunately was a really boring game.  We were down 4-0 in the first inning.  We were looking forward to seeing Pujols play, but he and Molina were both off that day.  After the 7th inning, we left for home.  We had a great weekend, and the kids are already asking when we can go back.

The next day after our trip, I started back to work after 7 years.  I'm working at the preschool that Atticus went to, and I have known the director from back when I was a director.  Always loved her, and the teachers at the school.  I was excited when I reached out to her, and she had a position open.  I enjoy the job so far, but I will admit it has drained my energy.  You forget how busy it is in a class of 3year olds.  I'm sure I'll get in the hang of it before too long.

Last weekend, Andy and I made a trip to St. George, Utah to cheer Zane on at the World Championship Half IronMan.  I'm not usually the most excited to get up at 4:00 a.m. for a triathlon, but watching the sunrise over the lake at Sand Hollow made it worth it.  Gorgeous views to take in while we cheered him on during his swim.  After he was out of the water, and off on the bike, we hopped into a shuttle that took us downtown to wait on him to finish the bike, and start his run.  Andy and Brad took off on bikes to find Zane while the rest of us watched the pros come in, and do a little shopping.  As we were standing out there, the clouds began to get darker.  Zane texted us to ask what the weather was, and when we told him, he said it was going to be an epic race.  He continued through the bike in a monsoon, and some had hail on their rides.  The winds were crazy, and many of the bikers stopped or were blown off the road.  Definitely a rare storm for the desert.  Zane finished the race in the top half of his age group, and that is exactly where he wanted to be.  It was a really tough course, and he did such a great job.  Especially considering this was his first full half IronMan.  

That night we had dinner at the house, and everyone was in bed early because they all had early flights the next morning.  Andy took Kaitlin and Allison to the airport at 4:00 am the next morning.  Once the sun was beginning to come up, he went on a run while I had some coffee and sat out on our patio to watch the sunrise.  We then stopped at a little diner for breakfast before heading off to Las Vegas.  Andy and I were really impressed with St. George.  We would love to plan a spring break there because we think the kids would enjoy it.  So much to do, and really reasonably priced to stay there.

We got to Vegas, and they were able to check us in to our hotel early.  We were staying at the Cosmopolitan, and it was a fun one.  We were on the 66th floor, and our balcony overlooked the Bellagio fountains and the rest of the strip.  It was a great view at night.  We spent the day at the pool, and it was so nice to relax.  That evening we went to dinner at Beauty and Essex at our hotel.  It was a fun little speakeasy type place.   I had looked at the same restaurant in New York when we had traveled there.  I told Andy that it was funny how the same exact restaurants are in New York, Miami, and, Vegas.  I gambled for the first time for about 5 minutes, and then we went out and walked around to look at other hotels before our show.  We had tickets to the 10:00 Absinthe show, and we were both feeling tired when we got there, but quickly woke up once it started.  The show was a little inappropriate, but it was so funny.  Andy said his stomach hurt from laughing so hard.  After the show, we were off to bed because we had another early morning flight home.  The trip was a blast, and while I was exhausted, we had so much fun.  Great way to kick off Andy's birthday week!

Just finished a half Ironman, and then cooked us all some steaks;)