Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Finley's Birthday Interview

Finley Grace, how in the world are you 8?  You are the joy in the middle of our family, and we could not be more blessed.  She loves to dance, play sports(soccer, basketball, softball, triathlons, and swim), and create.  She loves school again, and that makes me so happy after the struggles of last year.  We are so thankful she has such a great teacher to inspire her once again.  She was so excited to go to kamp for the first time.  She met us with a big smile on her face.  Her counselors said, "Finley is genuine and passionate. She radiates joy from the Lord in her smile. Finley seeks out new relationships and challenges with a constant effort to accomplish her goals." That pretty much sums up our Finley! Happy Birthday sweet girl. We love you so much!

Color: Blue

Food: Ice cream

Friend: Lily

Book: Mary Poppins

Movie: Miracles from Heaven

TV show: Arthur

Toy: Slime

Song: Ants in My Pants

Sport: Soccer

Sports Team: KCWSL

What makes you happy? School

Favorite Place: Disney 

What do you want to be when you grow up? Preschool Teacher