Saturday, November 6, 2021

October Games and Festivities

 Well, our fall sports have come to a close, and we have a few weeks of down time before the winter games begin.  Briley just had her cross country banquet on Thursday, and she got her letter.  So proud of her, and her hard work this fall.  She was one of 8 Freshman who competed in regionals this year,  and she finished the race with a time of 22:06 which was her best time of the year.  We look forward to watching her continue to grow throughout her time at BVN.

She also finished her soccer season.  They had a slow start as they tried to all figure out how they best work together, but had a winning streak towards the end.  Their season record was 5 and 3 I believe. It was interesting to watch this team play as this was the first time we have played in competitive soccer.  They were in division 3, and the games were always evenly matched.  Briley had one goal this season, and we celebrated that with a trip to Andy's Custard.  Now she will start indoor soccer next weekend, and cross country/track winter training begins in a week.  

Baylor played football and soccer this fall.  They had a good season for both teams, and most importantly, he had fun.  

Finley had soccer this season, and it was an adjustment.  They began to have goalies and they played 5v5.  She played goalie every game, but she said she is done with that now.  She prefers being on the field.

Atticus finished his soccer season.  He has a lot of fun out there, and there is always a smile on his face.  I think he spends more time on the ground than he does on his feet.

Briley had her first homecoming the second weekend of October.  She had a lot of fun being a part of all the activities that weekf.  She went to the dance with several of her friends.  They went out to eat beforehand,  and then it was off to the dance, and a sleep over.  

We also had the excitement of a new baby in the family this month.  Mary Claire Brawner was born on October 13th.   She is just the sweetest.  So happy for the Brawner family.  We have had family here since she was born, and did a lot of fun things with them.  We had Night of the Living Farm with the Taylor family, and Science City with the Sedlak family.  Lots of family dinners, and Mary Claire's baptism.  

Halloween was this past weekend, and our kids went in so many different directions.  I got one picture of them before Briley went to her party, Baylor took off with his friend Watson, Atticus was with his friends, and Finley went trick or treating with us along with Grandma and Papa, and the Brawners.  Crazy night, but they all had fun!

One of Briley's friends made her a sign and goodie bag that she hung on our door.

You barely see her, but this was her goal!

Finding out we have a little Mary Claire

Finding out she was named Mary.

Briley and Andy went to a Sporting KC game with her friends.

Happy Birthday Caroline!

Last Halloween parade for this guy.

The winner of two bottles of soda that we got to carry around Deanna Rose for the rest of the night.

Picking up our cider donuts;)