Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

I took the kids to get flu shots on November 1.  I promised Finley that she could get her ears pierced if she did not make a scene.  For the first time, she did not cry!  We went the following day to get her ears pierced, and she did a great job.  She picked out some sapphires, and immediately started face timing everyone to show them off. 

Andy and I went to the Chiefs and Packers game the first weekend of November with some of our friends.  Andy goes to a few games each year, but it has been a long time since I have gone to one.  We had a great time, the Chiefs won, and the weather was perfect.

My sister and Billy were in town the following week.  I took off one of the days to spend with them.  We walked at the Arboretum, and then had the yummiest lunch at a new thai place here.  We took them to Martin City Brewery and Santa's bake shop one of the nights.  The kids always get excited when it snows. It was great having them here for a few days.  It always seems to go so quickly, and I know it will be a long time before we see them again.

Thanksgiving was spent back in Kirksville.  We had a candle making party for Molly's baby shower.  The girls enjoyed making their candles, and we can't wait to burn them this holiday season.  They also had fun making gingerbread houses with Aunt Lissy.  She always brings the fun.  We did a little bell ringing for the Salvation Army on one of the days, and we ate way too much food!  4 Thanksgiving meals and a birthday celebration for Ellie.  It was a fun filled couple of days.