Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Summer Kickoff

 We went back home for Memorial Weekend, and the kids were all very excited. We hadn't been home since Christmas.  I don't know as we have ever gone that long, but high school track meets kept us in KC.  The kids camped out with my Dad, did a lot of swimming, and of course Baylor checked out the new skate park.  At the end of the weekend, Finley and Baylor went to Pella with the Taylor crew for some more fun.  They both had a great time, and I'm sure more memories were made there than at softball practice.  Lissy brought them home on Friday since she was watching the Brawner crew for a couple of days.  We checked the zoo off our summer bucket list before she left to go back to St. Louis.  

Briley had her soccer banquet.  They announced a couple of awards for each team, and Briley got the Hustle Award.  She was pretty excited.   She also got her driver's license, and drove herself to work.  It does make me nervous to have her driving, but I also love having fewer trips in my day.  She has cross country at 6:30a.m., followed by work, and then she was off to soccer each night.  It saved me 6 trips a day last week.  

Posy celebrated her 1st birthday on June 6th.  We got her some special treats, and a new collar. 

I took Finley and her friend Margot to see Hairspray at Starlight last Thursday.  They loved every minute of it, and we did not leave until the end.  I was not anticipating staying the whole time since we had to leave early the next morning, but they were having so much fun.  They danced all the way to the car.

The next morning we were off to Des Moines for Andy's Ironman!