Friday, May 27, 2022

It's May!

"It's May, and that means people everywhere are tired.
Teachers are tired.
Bus drivers are tired.
School staff members are tired.
Coaches are tired.
Parents are tired.
All the people are tired. Except kids.
Kids are not tired. They are wired and excited and full of energy.
Because May.
For a child, May is everything awesome. Field day, field trips, class programs, end-of-the-year parties, and more.
It's life amplified for the little guys. Every day leading up to the last day of school carries the promise of something fun and spectacular, culminating with the most awesome stretch of pure childhood bliss—summer vacation.
How can they not be excited?
And how can we not be tired?"

I saw this on a friend's post the other day, and it is so true. I kept telling Andy if we make it through this day, weekend, week, we will be good. He kept calling me a liar. May is crazy, but we have made it to the end, and while it may have been a whirlwind, we also made some memories.
Briley gets her license June 3rd, and she did not think she would have a car then. She was very surprised when we handed the keys over to her after her soccer game one night.
The next day was the Bulldog Bolt, and a million games. We didn't get to do the race together because of game conflicts so Andy took Atticus, Baylor went with friends, and I took Finley.
We started May Day with Finley's first dance competition, and I know it won't be her last. She thought it was the best thing ever. I also got to catch up with Marcia, my old dance teacher who had her studio there as well.
After the competition, we had the kids hand out May day baskets. Our neighbors always look forward to them each year.
We had a whirlwind of games between then and now. We finally have ended our track, football, and soccer seasons. Briley had a PR time of 5:52 at her very last meet. It wasn't enough to make it to State, but she has that as her goal. She was one of two freshman that ran the 1 mile. Season is over, but she hasn't stopped running.
Andy got me Starlight tickets for Christmas this year, and I have gone to two shows so far. I took Atticus and Finley to see Oklahoma. It was a disappointing show, but they got dippin' dots and that made them happy. I took Caroline and a friend to the next show. It was not a well known musical, but we thought it was pretty entertaining. We are looking forward to going to them all summer.
Briley had an interview at the J a couple of weeks ago, and landed her first job as a lifeguard. She is doing her online training as I write. She has some friends that are working there with her, and I think she will enjoy it.
Finley and Emmie had their dance recital last weekend. Finley has some of the best facial expressions when she dances. I think maybe she was inspired by dance moms;) She had a blast, and Emmie was super cute. Finley danced to Headphones, and Crocodile Rock. After the show, Finley's teacher came up to ask what my plan was for next year. She thinks she should do company. We might get there someday, but not a question to ask me in May.
The kids had a service project last week that was kind of fun. They got to go wash the fire trucks at the station. The firefighters said they wash the firetrucks every morning, and I'm guessing they may have had to rewash after the kids were done, but they had fun doing it.
My last day of school was on Thursday of last week. I had a great time working at Awesome Kids this year, and I look forward to continuing next year. Fingers crossed I can work a few less hours, but we will see.
We had field day a week ago. Andy and I volunteered to help since it was Baylor's last one. Sadly, he woke up sick and missed it. He was so sad about, and even worse that we all were there while he stayed home. He asked if he could walk by the school to see it, but we told him he had to stay home. The fifth grade had a water balloon fight to end the day, and that was what he was looking forward to the most. Andy was the griller, and from what we have heard, he makes the best hot dogs and hamburgers. Andy may just be roped into doing it every year from here on out.
Baylor had a lot of lasts this past week as he leaves Mission Trail, and prepares for Leawood Middle. His class had a pizza party and field trip to the bowling alley, they had a kick ball game against the teachers, and their 5th grade graduation. His little graduation was very sweet. As they went up to get their certificates, the counselor read off three adjectives about him. They said he was adventurous, animated, and good hearted. After it was over, we went over to say goodbye to Mrs. Walker. She has been Baylor's teacher for five years for reading and math. I can't begin to explain how much of his growth is because of her. She never gave up on him, and most importantly, she didn't let him give up on himself. She was crying when he went up for his certificate, and she was bawling when it was time to say goodbye. I really wish she could just keep moving on up with him. My prayer is that his next teacher loves him just as much as she did, and that he keeps overcoming the obstacles that are in his way.
Baylor and I walked outside to wait for Finley, Atticus, and several other 1st grade boys. After we gathered them, we walked down to a picnic table behind the school. All their parents were there waiting for them. They cheered as the boys came down the hill, and then they pulled out their silly string. It was such a cute surprise for them, and they had a blast. The rain did not damper their fun.
Baylor got changed, and I took him to the 5th grade party. They had lunch, an ice cream truck, and then a shaving cream fight. The fire trucks were supposed to come hose them down, but it was raining hard enough that it did the job. I wished the weather would have been better for their party, but they still had a lot of fun.
It has been raining non stop since school has ended, but we have managed to have some fun. Finley had a sleepover on the last day of school with her friend Hayden. Atticus had his buddy, Aiden over for a play date, we went to the J, and have been on the hunt for hearts all over Kansas City. There are 154 hearts located all over the city, and they will be auctioned off June 10th for charities in the area. The kids have had fun hunting for them. We will see how many we can check off our list before it's over.