Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Beach Vacation 2022

 We just got home from our beach vacation on Saturday.  This year we went down with my Mom, Jeff, and Amity to stay at our usual area of Magnolia Cottages by the Sea.  We had a direct flight down, and back which was nice to have again.  We left at 10 and got there by 12.  We stopped by the Donut Hole for some lunch, and then on to our house.  Amity has not been down to that area in 12 years, and she was blown away by how different it looked.  

I can't say that we did anything too adventurous while we were there, but we did get some much needed relaxation.  We had rain off and on throughout the week, but it didn't bring the waves that the kids were hoping for to boogie board.  It was pretty clear most of the week, and they were funny about getting in with all those fish.   We did see dolphins that were pretty close to the shore, and Andy saw a stingray while he was swimming.

We ate out a few nights, and went to Seaside for our Frostbites.  Shockingly there was parking, and not crowded at all.  Fingers crossed it stays that way because the kids had missed not going there.  We also had a movie night at Alys Beach one night, and we were the only ones there for the end.  There was another group of kids, but they wanted to leave except for their friend Jonathan.  We all got more enjoyment out of their drama than the movie I think.  In the end he left, but not without a few tears.  

Briley was the first one awake each morning for her run.  She would clang the ice cubes around in her hydroflask to wake everyone up, and then she would be off.  Andy tried a run, and it went well for him.  He also did a lot of swimming.  Amity and I did a funny yoga class at the Hub one morning, and then she had the idea to run with the kids to the Hub for breakfast on another day.  We got a phone call to pick them up after breakfast.  They were too tired to run back.  

Overall, we had a lot of fun, and I was happy to see it not as crowded as it has been in the past few years.  I don't know if it was our timing or more people traveling to different places, but I'll take it.