Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Summer Days

 Summer has flown by so fast this year.  It is hard to believe that the kids will be back to school in less than a month.  Right now, they are at Kamp, and I'm going to try to catch up on what we have been doing.  

We celebrated the Fourth of July at home this year since we just got back from vacation.  We had some friends over for dinner, and then shot off a few fireworks before the cops drove by watching us.  We had a good time, and I failed to really take many pictures.  

Finley and Atticus both played baseball/softball this summer.  Finley played on the Dolphins, and Atticus played for the Bulldogs.  They both enjoyed their seasons.  Atticus didn't really get into the season until the season was over, and  he now asks Andy to go out to play catch every night.  They both are looking forward to next years seasons.

Baylor and Finley did swim team this summer.  They were never excited about getting up so early for practice, but it was great to see how much they improved over the year.  Atticus will be joining them next year, and I think he is excited about it.  

There was a day that Briley was working a late shift so I took them out on an adventure.  They were moaning and groaning because they said my adventures usually involved a museum.  I don't know what is wrong with getting educated while having a little fun.  I took them downtown to the College Basketball Experience.  I have always heard this was fun, but we have never made it until then.  They all ended up having a blast, and it was inside, so we stayed cool.  

Last week was another hot one so I took the kids to Kaleidoscope.  We brought Emmie and Sully along, and I think they really enjoyed all the creating.  They did redo the space during Covid, and I think our kids were disappointed with the changes, but Sully and Emmie thought it was great.

Briley has had one busy summer with work and cross country.  She loves her new job, and often times takes extra shifts.  She has also been up early every morning, and out the door for cross country.  She has been so dedicated to her running, and I look forward to seeing her run this fall.  I think she might surprise herself with how much she has improved over the year.