Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Happy 13th Birthday to the B-Man!

 Baylor celebrated his birthday this past Friday.  Hard to believe we have another teenager in the house.  I had chemo early that morning, so Andy ran and got donuts and chocolate milk for him before we took off.  

My Mom picked him up from school at the end of the day, and treated him to Starbucks.  That night, he requested Italian so that is what we did.  He then got the presents started.  This kid shows the least amount of excitement when he opens presents.  He opened a Lakers jersey from his cousins that brought a smile to his face.  He also got some AirPods that he was excited about, and the biggest gift is a trip to New York this June. He has been looking forward to going on this trip for several years, and is excited that it is his  turn finally.  We ended the evening with a cookie cake and Costco's new chocolate and peanut butter pie.

Baylor, we love you so much!  We are proud of the young man you are becoming, and can't wait to see what you grow up to be.  While you make your way through your teenage years, remember to wear deodorant, wash your face, be confident in all you do, be kind to everyone, stand up for what is right,  and work hard. 

Color: Blue

Food: Ice cream (Andy's)

Movie: Space jam

Song: Eye of the Tiger

Sports: Soccer and Basketball

Teams: Chiefs and Lakers

What makes you happy? Winnie and Posy

Favorite Place: Beaver Creek

What do you want to be when you grow up? Professional basketball player...a small one

What do you like to do in your free time? Play basketball