Monday, March 4, 2024

Happy 9th Birthday, Atticus!

 Atticus's birthday really snuck up on us this year as I had not been feeling well, and didn't have as much done.  Andy stepped into the rescue, and finished the shopping, wrapped the gifts, ordered the cake, and made the dinner.  I was so thankful that he pulled it all together.  

His birthday was on a Saturday, and we started the morning with chocolate croissants.  I asked if he felt like he was older, and he said yes.  Later that morning, he had a basketball game, and then he was off with friends to play outside all day in the beautiful weather.  He got home just at dinner time, and we started his party with the Brawners and his friend Dean.  He wanted a breakfast dinner of German pancakes so that is what we did.  

He opened his presents, and was excited about some new basketball jerseys, a football field goal, a new bat, and a baseball pitching machine.  He couldn't wait the next morning to get outside to play with it all.  After presents, we had ice cream cake, and then it was off to play with all his things.  He had Dean sleepover, and I think they were asleep pretty early after a busy day.  

Atticus at 9 loves to be busy all the time.  He is always outside playing basketball, football, soccer, and baseball in the yard.  He and his friends have gotten a little more freedom to ride around the neighborhood, and they are loving it.  He drops off his backpack each day after school, and he is off.  

Although he is just 9, I sometimes feel that he is so much older.  We call him an old man because that is often how he talks.  Kind of bossy, and has no filters.  He has always been that way, and we have our moments where I want to pull my hair out, but then I go into his room each morning to snuggle up with him, and it is like he is my baby again.

Atticus, you are so independent and strong.  You have a determination about you, and I know one day you will do great things.  We are so proud of the boy you are, and love you so, so much.  Happy Birthday!

Atticus's Favorites:
Color: Red
Song: Lose Yourself
Food: German Pancakes
Movie: Safety
TV Show: We Can Be Heroes
Sports Team: Chiefs
Sport to play: Football
Best Friend: Thomas
What makes you happy: Playing with my friends
Place: Florida and probably Hawaii
What do you want to be when you grow up: College football coach