Monday, June 24, 2024

I Don’t Remember June’s Being This Busy…But Busy is Good Right Now

We ended May with the last day of school for the kids, which is always a favorite.  Baylor headed off to Nebraska with his friend Xander for a weekend at their lake house…apparently there are lakes in Nebraska, which surprised me.  Finley had donuts with her friends that morning, a pool party right after school and a foam party that night.  Atticus joined her for the pool party and luckily he had a couple buddies there.  We should have crashed the foam party as well, because it looked epic.  Autumn had tried to convince Finley to do this for her birthday last year, but she didn’t want to…she was regretting the decision after this party.  The next morning we all headed back to Kirksville for the remainder of Memorial Day Weekend.  It was my first time home since Christmas so it was great to get back and relax a bit after the busy end of the school year.  I have been working with Lissy on designing Autumn’s headstone and I am really excited with how it turned out.  Like I told the team at the monument company, she was an amazing person, and statistically speaking, I will  be visiting her here for a long time, so I want to make it extra special.  It’s a unique idea, so they were really excited to work on it.  It has been ordered but will take 6-8 months before its ready to be put in as the granite comes from India. We are incorporating an actual stained glass window into it, with a statue of the holy family sitting in front of the stained glass window.  It covers four plots so we have plenty of room to be creative.  Autumn would say its too much, but I will be happy to have that conversation with her when I see her next  😉.

We were back for a couple days, and Briley was off to Anna Maria Island Florida with her friend Malia and Malia’s mom.  She had a blast enjoying the beach, shopping, eating, exploring, boating, and of course running.  I love the close friendship these two have and I am so thankful she has a friend like Malia during these emotionally challenging times.   She returned home for another couple days, and was off again with Malia to the Lake of the Ozarks for a long weekend of lake time.  When she is home, she is working a lot to try and make that money!!  This past week, she went up to Iowa for an uninspiring track camp, which she described as running in the morning, and then trying to entertain yourself the remainder of the day.  Not what she was expecting, but I think she still enjoyed the bonding time with her teammates.

At the end of the year, Baylor was awarded the NFHS Award of Excellence for exemplary display of sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity for middle school track.  His coach notified me of the award about a month before Baylor got around to telling me 😉.  We are so proud of this kid and the hard work he puts in and the way he supports his teammates, just like his big sister.  Baylor has spent his June hanging out with his friends.  You can usually find them on their scooters at the park, in our basement, or at Worlds of Fun.  We got him a season pass and it has been an excellent purchase.  This kid used to hate rollercoasters and now he rides them 10x a trip.  He has also taken up golf and has been practicing in the yard daily.  He has his first lessons this week after his prior lessons were canceled on us.  Even playing on his own, he is improving quickly.  Baylor has also started mowing the yard for the first time this year, which I am very much appreciative of.  I am pretty picky about my yard, so this has been a tough one to let go but I simply do not have the time and he is improving with each mow…#lifeskills.

Finley has been busy with swim team, soccer camp, the J Triathlon, and making YouTube shorts.  Her days seem to be filled with swim practice, play dates, Price Chopper and Starbucks runs, and entertaining dad while he works.  Her first swim meet was a bit of a disaster because Dad did not realize he was responsible for signing her up for events.  Luckily, they were able to find some spots for her, but it was breaststroke, butterfly and a relay.  Breast and butterfly are her worst strokes, but she did not complain and did really well.  She is really seeing some great improvements in her times this year.  She is not a fan of getting up early every morning, but I try to let her sleep in as long as possible.  She did the J Triathlon this last weekend and was 3rd in her age group, which is amazing considering she did not train at all for the run or bike…I cannot tell you the last time she even road her bike.  Its funny, the memory from Facebook yesterday was when Briley did this race for the first time when she was 11 and her and Finley’s times were almost identical.

Atticus has a full plate this summer with Baseball, Basketball, and annoying Baylor.  I think he is ready to be done with Baseball, which thankfully ends this week…he is not a big fan of kid pitch.  Basketball has been fun to watch.  They are not practicing and it truly is a “lets go out and just have fun” kind of seasons.  They win some, they lose some, but its always entertaining.  They have had a few buzzer beaters, winning two and losing one.  Atticus has hit some key shots and watched his guy score some wide open shots…he is not much for defense.  Atticus always seems to be playing with one of his buddies, but spends most of his days with his buddy Dean who lives down the street.  These two love video games but equally love getting outside and playing sports.  As I type, it's 100 degrees out and they are playing football with their shirts off in the yard.                     They go to Kanakuk together in a month and I think they will have a blast. 

June has been packed full of adventures to.  I had to go down to Fort Lauderdale for work and Amity and Billy were nice enough to come and take this kids over to Columbia to go camping with Mike, Rick, and Asa.  I think everyone had a blast until they got kicked out of their camp site at 8:30am by a group of 200 5-year olds attending a summer camping camp…who would have thought they had a camp about camping…for five year olds??  Last weekend some friends invited us and others up to their family farm near Liberty for a fun day that included a 100 ft long slip n slide, driving range into the pond, swimming in the pond, fishing, eating, drinking and more eating.  It was an amazing day.  The next morning was Father’s Day and we were up bright and early and off to Truman Lake to spend the day boating, tubing, skiing and swimming with our friends the Knoblauchs.  It was a great way to spend Fathers Day.  

Summer is definitely here this week as we hit 100 for the first time today.  Luckily, we are off to Breckenridge, CO next week for a week in the mountains with Autumn's family where the highs are in the 60's...thank the Lord. 



Suns out Guns Out

Let the Summer Begin 

Couple Hot Dogs

Bring on the foam!

They had a blast...obviously.

Briley and Malia making their bikini boxes...I guess its a thing

Shark Attack!

Patrick loves Papa's ice cream

Front of Headstone with Holy Family Statue and Granite May Day Cones on the side for flowers.  They will have the monogram from our wedding on them.

Back of Autumn's Headstone with 1st Corinthians 4-8 and some other special details. 

Atticus Pitching 

New Lawn Boy

Atticus and Dean hard at work!

Captain Briley 

Best Friends

The sweet art teacher at Finley's school, Mrs. Bills, invited Finley and some friends to art camp at her house, needless to say they had a blast!

Coaster Bros

Soccer Camp was HOT!

Swim Team.  Go JETS!

Fiercer than she looks!

From the Beach to the Lake

Captain Briley at it again.

Hard at work

Break Time

Doing Uncle Asa's Hair

"God sure paints a pretty picture" - Mike Sparks. Autumn was smiling

How amazing is this?

Baylor literally spent 90% of his day here.

At the end of the day, Autumn sent us a smile!

Atticus and his friend Tommy...just a bit of a size difference.

The Senior and the little Frosh.

Briley Skiing, got up first try.

Finley and Samantha getting brave

Ready or not, here we go!

Tri Girl Locked In

Always Smiling 

This was an angel statue I ordered in memory of Autumn soon after she passed.  She is holding a basket of flowers (I call it a May Day basket😉) and I thought it was perfect.  We always wanted to put a statue or fountain of some sort in this spot, so I figured, why not honor the best wife and mother with this beautiful statue.  She arrived on our 19th wedding anniversary, definitely a sign that Autumn approved.