Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Part of History

So last week the Royals won the World Series after a 30 year dry spell.  I can't tell you how happy everyone is around here!  They announced Monday afternoon that school would be cancelled on Tuesday so that families could celebrate the Royals.  I know that sounds crazy, but after all it has been thirty years.  I kind of contemplated going, but I was really worried about having all the kids by myself.  Our neighbors texted me that night to see if we would want to go, so I went for it.  We decided to leave the house at 8:30, and Andy directed us down there.  He followed the traffic, and told us which areas to avoid.  We were easily able to find a parking spot not far from the parade.  Unfortunately we were on the end of the route, and I had wanted to be further north so that we could get out easy.  We walked down, and found a perfect little spot in the grass with some other families.  The kids ate snacks, and they had a band playing on the stage at Union Station.  All was going well until crowds came out of nowhere.
It really became so crowded that all you could see was confetti coming down as the players went by.  I had a view of the big screens that they had on Union Station so I could see who was coming, but Stefanie said she couldn't see a thing.  We decided to eventually get out of there because it was quite frankly claustrophobic, and the kids were getting pushed around enough that we were afraid we were going to lose them.
We finally got back to our cars, and again made it out without much problem, but that was not true for many.  I heard it took some about three hours to get home, and those waiting for a shuttle had a longer wait.  Looking back on it all I would say it was pretty awful.  We didn't drink because there was about five port a potties for 800,000 people, restaurants closed because they ran out of food, no one was selling food on the streets which I thought was weird.  We were hungry and so tired by the time we got close to home so I ran through McDonalds for a lunch/dinner.
After the kids ate they ran around outside for awhile, and we talked to all the neighbors about their parade experience.  All said the same thing.  We are glad we were a part of the history, but don't think we will do it again.  As miserable as everyone was done there, people were happy and polite.  We got to know all the families that were standing around us, and that part made it all worth it.

I don't know if you can see us, but we are on the left side  right under the little group of trees tucked in the corner by the hotel and walk over.

View of the street and the stage.  We think we have a great spot...

and then this happens...

Briley then wrote about our adventures at school the next day.  I like how she put the one food truck we saw which actually wasn't selling food.  They were using it to sit on.