I have of course waited too long, and let too many events pass before documenting. We will go back to the week leading up to Halloween. The week before Halloween we had Briley's third grade musical at school. Briley was a camper in the play, and had one line. I think just about every child had one or two lines. It was short and sweet. We were on our way to the car and she asked where her flowers were. I didn't realize we did flowers for school plays, but she really thought she was getting some. We took them to Dairy Queen for a treat instead.
Finley really liked the musical.
On Friday we had our annual pumpkin carving party with the neighbors. The weather was great, and we really had a good turn out. Pumpkins were carved, the Royals were watched, and smore's were eaten. Every year Andy and I debate about having the party, and we are always glad when we do. It's a lot of work, but it is always worth it in the end. This year's bonus was Jeff helped carve one of our child's pumpkins. Baylor was very specific about what he wanted, and Jeff followed his instructions. It had to be scary. Briley made a Royals logo, and it really turned out pretty well, Finley got and owl, and Atticus got a one eyed little monster.
Briley went to get her pumpkin off of the porch to carve, and a mouse came out of it. She refused to do anything with that pumpkin so we had to go buy her another one.
Briley and Baylor had their parent teacher conferences the Monday before Halloween. Baylor has made a lot of leaps and bounds in his speech. He still has some things to work on, but there is such a huge difference from this time last year. We did figure out that he has been bringing home "treasures" from the prize box that weren't actually treasures to be taken home. He is now being frisked to make sure things aren't in his pockets when he leaves school. Of course, all the teachers just thought it was so cute because he seems to have that spell on people. Andy told him that people go to jail for stealing. He was quiet for a minute, and then he asked if they served good food in jail. Andy said, "no they only serve vegetables". We can hope that will put an end to it.
Briley had the best parent teacher conference that we have ever had. Last year at this time she was struggling with both math and reading. This semester she did a great job with her MAP testing. She is right up with the Blue Valley average, and last year she was below the national average. Andy and I could not be more proud of her. The only thing that she needs to work on is of course listening and following directions. Her teacher had us read a page from her personal narrative that was supposed to be one thing that she is good at. She is good at talking, and I think we can all agree to that.
Wednesday was the school parties and parade. Briley and Baylor's rooms are right by each other so I was able to spend some time in both classrooms. After the party we went to Prairiefire with Lissy for a Haunted Scavenger Hunt. Afterwards we headed home to make dinner, watch the Royals, and have a little wine.
The next day we were off to Kirksville for Halloween. It was nice that the kids had Thursday and Friday off to spend some extra time in Kirksville. Andy's parents had their Halloween party Friday night, and it really turned out pretty well. It did start to sprinkle, but it didn't seem to bother the kids too much. It was great seeing all the kids in their costumes, and chatting with friends we haven't seen in awhile.
Saturday was Halloween and the weather wasn't too bad. The kids had a great time trick or treating with their cousins. Briley really loved the independence of getting to trick or treat without her parents. She came back with a lot of candy, and loved every minute of it I think. We also got to stop at a few houses to see old friends, and it was again nice to catch up. Finley was not a fan of her costume this year, but that is to be expected of a two year old I guess. I'm hoping next year goes a little better. It was cute for the couple pictures that we got of her in it.
We came home early on Sunday so we could start taking all the Halloween decorations down. I have been busy switching gears, and starting my holiday planning. It's hard to believe that it is already time.
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