Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Atticus is 8 months old!

Atticus is eight months old(actually closer to 9 months), I can't believe I will be planning a first birthday just around the corner.  He has finally learned to sit up, although he would rather be on the move.  He likes to play in the dog bowls, and it is always his first stop when I sit him down.  He loves to eat like his sister.  He has started eating solid foods like macaroni and cheese, avocados, peas, french fries, sweet potatoes, chicken, hamburger, and carrots, bananas, pancakes, and waffles.  I haven't found anything yet that he won't eat.  The biggest achievement this month is that he is sleeping through the night.  Alleluia!!!  We spent about a week of him crying at night, but he has now learned that Mama isn't going to feed him anymore.  I'm hoping we keep this up!

Doesn't he look super annoyed with me?  This was when I realized I forgot to put his 8 month sticker on him, and we had to take a few more.