Monday, February 22, 2016

Our Last Visitor

My sister came into town last week, and her first stop was our house.  She hasn't been home since September so the kids were all very excited to see her.  She decided to take them to Urban Air trampoline park on Sunday, and she gave them all gym clothes to wear.  Of course, this was exciting stuff for all of them.  Briley loves a good gym outfit.  They jumped for two hours, and I think they all had a great time.
After they got back, Am and I went down to the Westbottoms to do some shopping, and I found a few new stores that I have never been to, but are super cute.  The place was empty, and that was really bizarre.  I have never before seen it so empty, and the weather was gorgeous.  We talked to one of the ladies at a store, and our only conclusion is the super bowl was that night, but it was the middle of the day.
That night we ordered Grimaldi's Pizza and watched the game.  My sister went over to see some friends, and my Mom came into town.  The game was boring, commercials weren't the best, and the half time show was just okay I thought.
The next day we did some shopping around town, and then that night Andy and I went to Briley's parent teacher conference.  I just love her teacher this year!  I think I might be a little sad when this year is over.  Briley is doing great job, other than listening.  I forgot to take a picture of it, but she filled out a sheet of her strengths and weaknesses.  She said her weakness was that she sometimes was in lala land when the teacher talked.  Her teacher hadn't seen that until she brought the sheet out for us, and we couldn't all help but laugh.  At least she is honest.
Finley got her first haircut two weeks ago.  Briley took the pictures while she sat on my lap.  She did a great job sitting still.
The kids and I went back to Kirksville on Thursday since they were out of school, and it was chilly in Kirksville!