Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Happy Easter!

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind, but we got the work done on the house, and made it through Easter weekend.  Andy got home from traveling on Thursday night, and he decided to take Friday off since family was coming to town. I took Finley to get her nails done on Friday before dance class.  It was the first time I had taken her, and she was pretty cute about it all.
Andy's parents got here around lunch time so we ate lunch, I ran a few errands, and then it was time to pick the kids up for Good Friday mass.  As we were getting ready to leave for Church, the Sedlaks walked in so the kids stayed back with them instead of going to Church.
The Taylors had also made it to town by the time we got home from Church.  We loaded everyone up to take them to Martin City Brewery for dinner.  They had a table reserved for us, and we were able to get right in.  The waiter did a great job, and things went pretty smoothly for having a big party.
The next day I went to Church for rehearsal while everyone else went to Baylor's soccer game. He got a hat trick this game, and I'm so sad to have missed it.  Andy said he really played well especially for it being their first game.  We had lunch and an Elvis birthday party for Baylor after the game, and then it was Easter Egg Hunt time.  We thought we should do it while it was nice because things will be different tomorrow.  Bella won the golden egg this year, and she was very excited about that!  After the egg hunt we took the kids to the playground for awhile and then it was time for Briley's soccer game.  She played well also and scored a goal.  They tied 3-3 for the final.
We came home to eat some Joe's BBQ before going off to Easter Vigil.  I had to go a little early because they had no record of my baptism since the Church I was baptized in closed.  They decided to do a quick little baptism just to make sure that I had been baptized before confirmation.  Father Brian did a good job not ruining my hair before the vigil;)
All I can say about the vigil was that it was a very beautiful mass, and a little long for some.  We had roughly 40 people go through their baptism, first communion, and confirmation. The Church was beautiful and we have an amazing choir, and even readers that did a great job.  It was nice after seven months of classes to get to this point.  It was definitely a commitment from me and Andy to be supportive while I go to meetings every Thursday night, but it has been worth it.  I have learned so much that I did not know, and can hopefully pass on this knowledge to our kids as they grow in their faith.  They are after all a big reason why I chose to become Catholic so that our family could all be one faith.
After mass, they had a reception that we went to for a short period of time before going home for bed.
The next morning the kids were all up early checking out their Easter baskets.  The kids all slept in the living room so I jumped out of bed when I heard them, and was able to capture a few pictures  while the opened their gifts.   Snow was coming so instead of going to Church we had a brunch and everyone left.  I felt bad that Atticus and Finley did not go to Easter mass, and Finley was a little upset about not getting to wear her Easter dress, but I promised her she could wear it next week.  We spent the rest of the day cleaning the house, and then taking naps.  I can't tell you the last time I took a nap, but I enjoyed it.  It was a perfect day to just snuggle up and stay inside.
I can't thank everyone enough who came to celebrate Easter at our house.  The food that was brought, watching our kids, and the cleaning between meals was a life saver for us.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!