Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Sleepy Sloth Slumber Party

Briley wanted to have a slumber party for her birthday this year, and I said it was okay as long as it was small.  We sent out invitations the week of, and all 12 girls said they would love to come.  I might have panicked a bit, but I came up with some games, and bought the Greatest Showman.  We had pizza, and then the girls went outside and played The Amazing Race game that I had set up.  After that it was cake, presents, and a pretty entertaining dance off.  They split into teams and came up with a dance, and then presented it to everyone.  Briley's siblings were right in the middle of it and she handled them well.  We then sent them downstairs with minute to win it games, a table of snacks, and the movie.  They were loud, but Andy and I were able to fall asleep eventually.
The next morning they were up about 7, and I made monkey bread, eggs, and fruit.  They ran around playing capture the flag until their parents came around 10:30.  Briley said it was the best party ever so I guess we did okay.
That morning we tried to rest before heading to Baylor's soccer game, and then to Church that evening.  I think we were all dragging, and Finley slept through the whole thing, but Baylor really wanted to see the cooking priest so we went.  Father Leo was visiting, and he has been on several food networks.  He has a podcast called Shoot the Shiitake that I thought was pretty clever.

We survived...barely