Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Never Grow Up

Our house has been all about transitioning and growing up the past few weeks starting with Baylor giving up his pacifier.  Andy and I had decided that we were going to take away the pacifier after we got back from vacation and it was a lot easier than I thought.  I cut the tip off of the pacifier one night before bed time and he got so mad that he threw it out of his bed.  He cried himself to sleep and that was that.  He still looks for them in my purse or in drawers,  but overall he is doing okay without it which is great.  I hope that I can now get some cute pictures of that smile without a pacifier in it:)
Briley has had a lot going on in her life lately.  She finished T-ball and got a super cool trophy that she is very proud of.  She and I also went to the Sea Life Aquarium on a school field trip which was very cool.  Her favorite part was seeing Dory.
Last weekend we had Bella and Ellie come to town to see Peter Pan at the Starlight.  I have been excited to see this production for about a year.  Grandma and Papa brought Ellie Saturday morning and the Sedlak's came in on Friday.  We went to Kaleidoscope Saturday morning and then the kids played all day until show time.  We went a little early to make sure we got sprinkled with pixie dust and met a few pirates before show time.

Don't know why Jack Sparrow was at Peter Pan:)

Briley has been so excited about the anticipation of going to Kindergarten.  We got new shoes, dress, and of course her backpack.  She can hardly wait!  She goes for two days next week for an hour each day to meet the teacher and do a few activities to help those that may be worried.  I know Briley will walk in that first day without any hesitation.  I found a quote that I think may be our motto for the school year the other day that is sooo fitting of Briley; "Be a fruit loop in a cheerio world".  Couldn't describe our little girl more perfectly.  Sometimes I think people in our area forget about letting their children be who they are, instead they try to mold them into being the "popular person" and push them to grow up too fast.  You can bet that won't be me.  I'm okay with Spider girl sneaking around the house for a little longer.