Monday, March 16, 2020

Winter Finale, and Preparing for a Slow Down

Following our fun trip, we got back into the swing of things.  Finley had her last basketball game, and got her very first trophy.  She was beaming.  The others had games as well, but their season goes for another couple of weeks.  Briley and Andy did an indoor triathlon on that Sunday.  Andy got 2nd place overall, and Briley got 1st for girls.
My birthday was on Monday, and it was a bit of a dreary busy day.  I treated myself to Starbucks, and worked out.  That evening Andy got take out from Nick and Jakes for dinner to eat real quick between practices.  After Baylor got home from basketball, we opened presents and had a yummy red velvet bundt cake.  Baylor made me a giant card out of a box he found in the basement that said, Happy 48th birthday.  Ten years off, but that is ok.  Finley made me all sorts of games to play too. I also got a pasta attachment for the mixer, egg poaching pan, cast iron skillet, and a massage.  I have been trying out all the new kitchen gear, and will have plenty of extra time in the near future.
That following weekend we had a get together with neighbors on Friday.  Several people were able to come so that was fun.  It seems like it has been awhile since everyone has gotten together. The rest of the weekend was filled with games.  Briley had a sleepover on Saturday and Baylor wanted to do something fun too.  It was a nice night out so we roasted s'mores outside, and Stephen came over.  It feels like spring is very close with the beautiful weather.
Two weekends ago I went to Kirksville to celebrate Molly's upcoming wedding.  We had a painting party on Friday night where we painted the lantern scene from Tangled.  The next day we were off to Pella for a day of lunch, shopping, and spending time with Kaitlin.  She looked wonderful, and it was great that she was able to be a part of the weekend.
That evening we went to Pear Tree for dinner.  It has been a long time since I have eaten there, and it was delicious as always.  We wrapped up the evening with gifts for the bride to be.
The next day was Church, and then we all began to leave.  It was great seeing everyone, and having some time to relax.
On Tuesday, Baylor had his big day of getting his tonsils out.  He was so nervous that morning when we went.  Unfortunately, they were a little behind, and he had to wait awhile.  He was trying so hard not to cry, but it escaped him a few times when he begged us to just go home.  He even made himself sick when the doctor came in.  Andy did all he could to make him laugh, but his tricks weren't working.  They took us back to see him afterwards.  He had a pretty upset stomach so it took awhile for us to be able to go home.  The anesthesiologist said that red heads were known to have sensitive stomachs so she wasn't surprised.  We were finally able to leave about 2:00.  He came home and went right to his bed.  His stomach was upset up until he fell asleep for the night.
Andy and Briley were off to Cotillion Tuesday night to learn how to do the foxtrot for the upcoming ball.  They were both super excited to go;).
He woke up the next day feeling a little better, and by the late afternoon he had made his way downstairs.  He even sat outside for awhile since it was so nice.  He ate some ice cream for lunch, and even had some noodles at dinner.  He refused to take any pain medicine at all.
The following day Mrs. Walker stopped by with cards and a gift for him.  She said the talent show was getting ready to start at school so she snuck out to come by and see him.  He has the sweetest teachers.
Now the kids are home for spring break.  Things are escalating with the coronavirus,  and places are  beginning to close.  Flights are being cancelled, Disney parks have closed, spring sports have been cancelled, and rumors are that school will not begin again until April.  Andy is now working from home. Grocery stores are a mad house, and you can't find a roll of toilet paper anywhere.  It's going to be a long few weeks I'm afraid, but we are taking this time to do some projects around the house.  Andy is putting new tile in the sunroom, and new exterior lights outside.  I'm working on spring cleaning.  The kids have been busy making leprechaun traps, and forts to sleep in each night.  We will see how we are all doing in a week or two.


Unknown said...

srdrey look scary