Saturday, March 6, 2021

Happy 6th Birthday to Atticus!

 Atticus had a lot of fun celebrating his big day.  He was up early that morning with a big smile on his face.  He had requested chocolate chip croissants and hot chocolate for breakfast.  He was then off to school, and it was the first time I hadn't had him at home for the day to celebrate.  He didn't seem to notice, and was excited to get his birthday crown from his teacher.  His friend Thomas, came over that night to celebrate with him along with the Brawner family.  

Atticus requested pancakes for his birthday dinner.  Afterwords, it was time for presents.  He got some fun new shoes from Am and Billy, a helicopter from Thomas, Emmie made him a card, and we got him a new ziggle, big legos, a book that his teacher reads that he loves, Hot Wheels (can never have too many of those), soccer camp for this summer, and a stuffed animal bean bag chair.

Next came the cake.  It wasn't quite as fancy as the one he had at his birthday party, but it was yummy.  He again wanted trick candles.  The joke doesn't seem to ever get old.  

His birthday was a success, and he went to bed with a smile on his face.  Hard to believe he is a big six year old.  It's funny how all of a sudden they seem to grow out of one stage and into another.  I've been putting away old toys that he no longer plays with.  We even got rid of the train table last week.  Really, I could sell everything, but the cars and Hot Wheel tracks.  I put those cars up when he goes to school, and they are back out again as soon as he comes home.  

He is always busy if not playing cars, he is outside riding his bike, chatting with the neighbors, or playing with his friends and siblings.  He has had such a good first year at school.  It took some adjustments at the beginning, but he is learning so much!  He lost his first tooth, and then a second.  He enjoys being involved in sports.  He always has a smile on his face while he is out on the court/field regardless of how well they are doing.  He is just having fun.  We love you so much buddy, and we hope you have the best year yet!

Atticus's Favorites
Color: Gold
Movie: Polar Express
TV Show: Mickey's Racers
Song: Run that Race from Cars 3
Mr. Bidgood's in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood
Food: Corn Dogs
Toy: My cars
Sport to Play: Basketball
Sports Team: Chiefs
Best Friend: Hollis
Restaurant: Chick fil-a
What makes Atticus happy: People being nice to me.
Favorite Place to be: "Not school, not Church, but Scheel's."
What do you want to be when you grow up: Teacher