Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Another Birthday Celebration

 We went out on the town a couple of weekends ago to celebrate my birthday.  We ate at Rockhille Grill, which I didn't realize was in the old Cashew bar that Andy and I frequented many times when we lived downtown.  It was a yummy meal, and afterwards we went to Swordfish Toms for a drink.  It is a speakeasy that has been on my list.  You can't make reservations to this bar.  If the light is green, you knock and they let you in.  If the light is red, you wait.  There was no wait so in we went, and the bartender was so friendly.  Definitely not the same vibe that you get at other bars like that.  

My birthday was on Wednesday this year.  That morning I went to have a massage that was so lovely.  My Mom came down later that afternoon because she was watching the kids while Andy and I went to Florida the next day.  We cooked pork chops in the air fryer for dinner, and had a Costco cake.  The kids made me cards and I got a new lens for my camera along with a new griddle.  
Andy and I left the next morning to sunny Florida.  He had some properties to look at in Fort Lauderdale.  He dropped me off at the largest outlet mall in the nation while he did that.  He was only gone for about an hour, and I didn't probably see 1/4 of the mall.  He got some shoes, and then we made our way to Miami Beach.  We stayed at the Miami Edition, and it was so lovely.  We stayed at the Edition in New York, and still talk about how much we love that hotel, and the smell.  It was the same in Miami.  For our first night, we got reservations at a nearby rooftop bar of a hotel they were working on the last time we were there.  It was a fun spot that was hopping.  We definitely would go back there again.  

The next day we got up and he did his workout while I went on a long walk.  We spent the rest of the day sitting on the beach.  It was in the 80s and beautiful.  That night we had reservations at A Fish Called Avalon.  Our neighbors recommended this restaurant, and it was really good.   It was at one of the old hotels on Ocean Drive.   Our waiter was great, they had a guy serenading the crowd, and the food was really good.  I got the macadamia crusted snapper with key lime pie for dessert.  Andy ordered chicken with banana foster cheesecake.  The only thing that could have made this setting better was if you didn't have all the chaos of people walking on Ocean Drive.  It was definitely a different crowd than what we saw a couple of years ago, and we hear there has been more problems with that area.  I hope they can get it figured out because there are some fun little places along there.  It did however give us something to talk about over dinner.  

The next day was a repeat of the day before;) That night we went to our favorite restaurant in the area and that is Pane and Vino.  I just love that cute little restaurant.  We walked over to Lincoln Road to buy Andy more clothes because we decided that we were having so much fun, that we should stay one more day.  We walked back to our hotel along the boardwalk, and the moon shining on the water was so bright.  I love a full moon on the beach.

The next day was our last day of soaking up the sun.  We didn't have reservations until 8:30 so we stayed on the beach until they started packing up the chairs.  We walked down to the Fountainbleu a little early, and had drinks in the lobby bar before going to eat.  I walked the famous staircase to no where, like Mrs. Maisel.  Dinner was at one of the restaurants there called Scarpetta.  The food was really good, but it is one of those places that has small portions.  We did order dessert, and that was a little more filling.  

The next day we had breakfast, and then it was time to pack up and head back home.  Andy requested extra toiletries each day, that we were able to take home.  I don't know when we will get to enjoy an Edition hotel again, but at least we could take the smell back with us.  We really had a lot of fun while we were there, and I don't think we realized how much we needed that little break.  It had been too long, and felt even longer with the pandemic.  

Favorite restaurant.  I love how you feel like you are stepping into someone's Italian home.

Andy and I just thought this was a cute little bar on the beach.  I love how each hotels pool and bar area are so different.