Monday, August 9, 2021

Summer Continues

 We got back from our vacation, and the busy times continued.  We went to a Sporting KC game on Wednesday night.  The kids were so excited to be able to finally go to a game again.  We had great seats about 9 rows up.  The game was a little intense with some really bad reffing.  The team we were playing was last in the league and it should have been an easy win, but we had a few out with covid, and like I said there were some really bad calls.  It ended in a tie 1-1.  

Friday night we headed back out to Legends to watch our new professional women's team.  I think Briley and Finley really liked to seeing them play, and had a lot of fun although they didn't win.  They haven't won a game yet this year, but they have had several draws.  Their defense looked really good, but they just can't seem to score any goals.  

We took three of the four kids to Kamp on Saturday morning.  They were all so excited to go!  We dropped Briley off first, and we just so happened to be the first ones in line.  Briley was so embarrassed to be the first kamper to get out of the car.  They announced her name, and then her counselors whisked her away.  She didn't even turn around to wave goodbye.  Next was K-Kountry for Baylor and Finley.  This was Baylor's last year, and it was Finley's first.  Again, the counselors came to the car, and got them.  Baylor was a little more hesitant, but Finley could not wait to head off with her counselors.  I hate that we weren't able to go in to kamp with them, but the kids didn't seem to mind as much as I did.

Atticus was so quiet on the way back home.  We stopped to have dinner and then we got ice cream in Martin City before going home.  He slept in our room at night because he didn't want to be by himself upstairs.  We realized quickly how much attention he needed because he didn't have the others here.  I had one of his friends over for an afternoon.  As soon as he walked out the door, Atticus asked what we are going to do next.  We also went to the pool, and we made a trip to Wonderscope.  

We went to Springfield on Thursday to stay with Asa and Kelsey.  They took us to a couple of fun breweries that night, and we capped it off with some swimming at their pool.  The next morning, we were up bright and early to head to kamp to pick up the kids.  We got Briley first, and she said it was the best year that she has had at Kamp.  She loved her counselors, and she already has a group text going with all of the girls.  Baylor and Finley also said that it was the best year ever.  Baylor officially tried everything at Kamp which is big because he usually didn't get past miniature golf.  I'm proud of him for trying new things, even if it was a little scary.  He also rang the bell this year, and that above all is pretty awesome.  Finley the social butterfly loved everything and every one.  Her counselors you could tell were amazing.  Finley asked if she could go back for a month next year.

Briley got the Total Release ribbon.  This has been the same ribbon she has gotten for several years now, so I guess it really does describe her.  They chose humble and purposeful as her character qualities.  "Briley is courteous to others and serves with a gracious heart.  She serves behind the scenes and does so without expecting anything in return.  Briley is determined to complete tasks in a way that honors the Lord.  She diligently spreads the Gospel and works to make God's name known."  

Baylor got the Mighty in Spirit award.  His qualities were dependable and kind.  They said, "Baylor is a selfless friend who is faithful in the little things.  He stays true to his word and is committed to knowing the Lord.  Baylor walks in love and is a compassionate friend to all."

Finley got the Heart Award because we all know that she has the biggest heart.  Her character qualities were assured and sincere.  "Finley is genuine and passionate.  She radiates joy from the Lord in her smile.  Finley seeks out new relationships and challenges with a constant effort to accomplish her goals."

On Sunday, we drove to Hutchinson, KS to pick up the newest member of the Early family.  Before we went to pick up our new puppy, we had lunch, and then checked out the Cosmoshere.  It is one of those places that I have always heard was pretty neat to see, but never had a reason to go to Hutchinson until now.  The kids moaned and groaned about going to a museum, but they decided in the end that it was actually pretty cool.  It is the second largest space museum in the country and there was a lot of cool artifacts to check out.  It had the Liberty Bell 7 spacecraft along with the Apollo 13.  Very cool to see. 

We were then off to pick up Posy.  She was the cutest little thing, and she just snuggled right in between Atticus and Finley for the ride home. She seemed to feel like this is where she was meant to be.  That night, she whined for about 45 minutes, and then she settled down in her crate.  She has now become pretty used to it, and took a nap in there the other day while Andy was working.  She has definitely kept us busy this week as she gets into one thing after another.  You have to always be watching her, and that can be exhausting at times, but it is expected.  The kids don't quite no what to think of her.  They keep saying she was so sweet the first few days, but now she is full puppy feistiness. 

I took the girls to Theater in the Park on Thursday.  We went to see the Newsies, and it was so good!  I love that show, and the group of boys performing did an excellent job.  I love the song King of New York, and they did not disappoint.  The girls enjoyed it, but they were both tired so we left when there was about 15 minutes left of the show.  I hate that they start so late at night during the summer.

Andy had the Matt Mason Triathlon this past Sunday.  The kids were moaning and groaning when I woke them up at 5:00 to head to it.  This is one of Andy's favorites to do because there is such a great atmosphere.  Matt Mason was a soldier who was killed overseas, and his family does this in his memory.  His kids go to school with ours, and his son actually got 3rd place this year in the 19 and under category.  The kids really enjoyed seeing the parachuters land just about on top of us before the race started.  It may have made getting up at 5:00 not so bad after all.   Andy ended up placing 5th overall, and 2nd place in his age group.  He was happy with his time, and especially his swim.

Liberty Bell

Apollo 13