Thursday, September 2, 2021

First Day of School and Happy Birthday to Finley Grace!

 The kids were off for their first day of school a couple of weeks ago.  Briley is starting her first year at Blue Valley North.  It is crazy that she is a freshman this year, and I'll be honest, it didn't really hit me until we walked into the gym where the band was playing and the cheerleaders were dancing.  I don't know about anyone else, but I feel like I was a freshman just a few years ago.  

Baylor is in 5th grade, and he is in Mrs. Farnsworths class, Finley has Ms. Meier for second grade, and Atticus got Mrs. Buescher who is one of our favorites.  I have a feeling they are all going to have a great year. 

The biggest thing to happen on the first week of school was Finley's 8th birthday!  The day before Finley's birthday, we hosted her first friend's birthday party.  We did a pool party after school at the neighborhood pool with 10 of her friends.  I surprised her with a shaved ice truck that came, and she was so excited.  The girls had a lot of fun, and Andy and I were worn out listening to the squeals for two hours.  

The next day was Finley's big day, and it was not a normal birthday morning with our traditional breakfast because she, Atticus, and Baylor did a triathlon while Briley had cross country time trials.  I took Briley, and Andy to the other kids.  Briley ended up getting 6th for the girls, and that means she made the Varsity team!  The girl was beaming from ear to ear when we got the news from her coach.  Finley and Atticus both got 1st place in their age groups, and Baylor did well for his first.  He accidentally went an extra two mile loop on the bike so that messed with his time, but we are so proud of him for having the courage to do the race.  He has worked so hard training, and he was nervous about the open water swim.  So glad he did it, and we know he will rock his next one now that the jitters are out of his system.

After the races, I took Finley to get pampered at the nail spa.  She got a pedicure and manicure, and they were so sweet to her.  She drank her Sprite and enjoyed her little treat.  After nails, we were off to dinner at MiRanchito.  The Brawners met us there for dinner, and then it was cake and present time at our house.  She was excited about her new scooter, and of all things, she loved her new kinetic sand.  

This past weekend we went to Kirksville.  We went to the Varsity football game on Friday night to cheer Jackson on. The next day we did a quick little party for Finley and Sadie to celebrate their birthdays.  That evening we went to Baring Lake to celebrate Grandpa Mike and Karen's 50th wedding anniversary.  The party was nice, and there were quite a few people there.  It was good to see everyone, as it does not happen very often these days.

Posy is starting to make herself right at home.  She likes hiding in weird places to nap or you will find her on the air vents.  She has to lay down to eat because it is just too much work to sit up.  She has been getting into everything!  Her favorite things to run off with are the toilet paper rolls and toilet brushes.