Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Just a few more sleeps until Christmas!

We have had a fun and busy Christmas season.  It kicked off with a much anticipated trip to Big Cedar.  Our kids love going there, and it is especially fun at Christmas.  We drove down on a Thursday morning to meet Andy's parents and Lissy.  We lucked into getting our cabin early, and we made our way to Top of the Rock for some lunch before going to Silver Dollar City.  The weather was 70's, which is just crazy for December.  It made for some bigger crowds at the park, but it was still very manageable.  Asa and Kelsey met us there, and we had a great time.  We stayed until the park closed, and the kids got to ride a lot of rides.  We also got to see the new show that was two years in the making.  Let's just say, it may be the moment we will be talking about for years to come.  Lissy and I could not look at each other without laughing.  

After we left, it was off to the cabin for the Elf tuck in.  Lissy organized this, and it was really so cute!  Atticus and Baylor were awkward as always, but Finley and Briley had smiles on their faces.  I think they all loved the cute little stockings they got from the elf.  

The next morning we went to breakfast, and then spent the day enjoying the beautiful weather.  We went to do some miniature golf, go carting, gingerbread house decorating on the patio, and then it was time for the Polar Express.  The kids had a great time riding on the train, and the characters are just so good at the Branson Polar Express. The kids were a little bummed that they didn't get the mugs this year, but we already have 8 sitting in our house.  I think that is plenty.  After the train ride, we went back to celebrate Papa's birthday with dinner at Devil's Pool.  There was a wait so we decided to let the kids go ice skating while we waited.  We ended the night with bread pudding, and then we were off to bed.

Breakfast with Santa was Saturday morning, and then we headed for home.  It was such a fun trip that was full of great memories.  Thank you to Grandma, Papa, and Lissy for making the trip so special, and we hope we didn't get everyone sick with our colds.  

The next weekend, Andy and I went to a Home Alone pop up bar in Union Station with some friends.  These reservations were really hard to get.  I set an alarm for 12:00 a.m to get on their website when they were released.  So glad I got them because we had a blast!  They had so many details from the movie, and the drinks were pretty creative.

The next day was Breakfast with Santa after Church, and of course we stayed because we hadn't seen Santa enough;) 

On Monday, I got a call that Baylor was in the nurse's office complaining of a headache.  The nurse said he doesn't usually come in, and when he does, he is usually sick.  She said he had gotten sick on her before so she thought he should go home.  I picked him up, and then we had to go do a covid test.  Of course it was negative, and he began getting sick shortly after our trip.  I got a 1:00 am wake up call from Finley telling me she was sick.  That girl found it impossible to make it to the bathroom, bucket, or towels that I had laid out, and there was a mess every where.  I got it cleaned up, and just as I was dozing off to sleep, she did it again.  Baylor, Finley, and I stayed home Tuesday, Baylor went to school Wednesday, Finley went back on Thursday, and Baylor was sent back home on Thursday when he got sick at school.  So weird for it to come back, and it was worse than it was on Monday.  He slept by the toilet Thursday night, and did not emerge from his room until Friday evening for a bit before we sent him back up sick still.  It was the longest running stomach bug I think we have ever had.  He finally was feeling better by Saturday morning, and as of right now, everyone else seems to have escaped it somehow.

Finley had a basketball tournament this weekend.  She has a highly competitive coach who at times, makes me cringe at the things he says, but they are learning a thing or two about basketball. They ended up winning the tournament, and she was very excited about her first place trophy.  

We have been wrapping up our Christmas traditions at home.  We had sleep by the Christmas tree and Sully and Emmie joined us for that one.  We had a fancy dinner Sunday night, and we were off to look at Christmas lights last night.  The kids had a half day today, and Briley got picked up first.  We celebrated her finals being over with a trip to Starbucks before getting the others.  They get plenty of sugar at their school Christmas parties.  The rest of the day was spent making a lot of cookies to pass out to the neighbors.  That is checked off the list, and now we get to just have some fun before Christmas!

Terrible picture, but "Keep the change, ya filthy animal" came in a glass gun.

Posy did not leave her side.  I also love the way she sleeps on her back.