Saturday, January 1, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 Another Christmas has come and gone, and I'm always surprised with how fast it goes.  I spend months preparing for it, and it is over so quickly.  Thankfully we have pictures and stories to remember it by.  The days leading up to Christmas were filled with a lot of baking, wrapping, and Christmas movies.

We had our Christmas Eve on Thursday night.  We went out to dinner at Rye on the Plaza.  The kids are always excited about going down to see the lights.  The weather has been in the 70s this week.  Hard to believe it is Christmas with those temperatures.  We walked around for a bit, and then went to have our yummy dinner.  

The kids did their sibling gift exchange that evening.  Briley gave Finley a relaxation kit, Baylor gave Briley a personal ice cream maker, Finley gave Atticus Beyblades, and a Lego kit, and Atticus gave Baylor remote controlled bumper cars.  Andy read T'was the Night Before Christmas, cookies were put out for Santa, and reindeer food was sprinkled outside before the kids were off to bed.

They were up bright and early the next morning to see what Santa had left them.  Santa gave Briley an Apple watch, Baylor got a Santa Cruz skateboard, Finley got a motorized scooter, and Atticus got his Beyblade stadium with Beyblades.  The kids passed the rest of the gifts around, and then it was a frenzy while they opened each one.  Again, I'm always surprised at how fast they go through them.  Andy gave me season tickets to Starlight next summer.  There are some fun shows coming so I'm excited about that.  I gave him an Ipad, clothes, and a couple of wines from one of our favorite winery that we visited in California.  

After presents, we had our fancy breakfast of German pancakes and sausage.  As we were sitting there eating, a phone started to ring under the tree.  Baylor jumped up with a smile on his face, and found it.  He got a phone!  He had been bugging us for months, and I didn't think he needed one yet, but Andy ordered him one without me knowing.  He is sneaky like that sometimes.  Baylor was excited in his own way, and Briley was mad he has a better phone than the rest of us.  Now we all get to endure his odd texts that he sends.

After the kids played with their toys for awhile, we got packed up and were off to Kirksville.  That evening, Santa visited the kids, and then we went to Rick and Lisa's for dinner.  After dinner, we opened a few presents and then played a game before we had to leave to get ready for Midnight Mass.  I don't think we have ever had a Midnight Mass as warm as it was this year.  I always hated how cold it was leaving the Church after mass in my dress clothes, but that wasn't a problem this year.  We got home and Andy's Dad  read to the kids, and then we were asleep until morning.

We woke up Christmas morning, and had Andy's family Christmas.  It is always fun to share Christmas morning with so many of your cousins.  The kids were very excited about it all.  After presents and breakfast, we went over for my Dad's for lunch and gifts.  The kids got the one gift that they have had on their list for many years.  A Nintendo Switch!  They were so excited, and have been playing with it non stop since they got it.  

That night we had a big dinner with Andy's family, and then it was cousin and sibling gifts before we went to spend the night at my Mom's for her Christmas.  This was our last Christmas.  We opened gifts, and had breakfast.  I gave my Mom a ticket to see Wicked  in January.  It was a gift that I also gave Briley and Finley.  Hopefully the weather cooperates, and we have a fun girls night out.  That night Andy cooked a beef tenderloin for dinner at my Mom's.  Perfect way to finish our last Christmas.  While it is always so busy, and tiresome at times, I can't think of any other way that I would want to spend it.  

His favorite part of going to Rye is the doors.