Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Spring Break

 After my birthday, we wrapped up our basketball and indoor soccer seasons.  Baylor also competed in The J's indoor triathlon.  He hadn't really been training at all, but he never stopped to take a break.  He ended up finishing 7th, and we thought that was pretty good since it was ages 10-14 years old.  Rex did the triathlon as well so that was fun that they could do it together.  The part he struggles with the most is the swim, so he has finally given in, and is letting me sign him up for swim team this summer.  

Other exciting news in our house is that Briley made the high school soccer team!  She is so excited to have made the team.  The fun part is that her friends are all on the team as well.  They are going to have a blast.  She is also doing track in all her spare time, so she is going to be very busy.  

Last week was our spring break.  We went down to Branson for a long weekend, and had predictable midwest weather.  It was snowing, and looked so cozy when we arrived at Big Cedar, and then was upper 60s by the last two days.  

We took the kids to Dolly Parton's Stampede on Friday night.  It's something we have always heard was fun, and it really did not disappoint.  Finley and Atticus especially loved it.  The food was really good although, there was a couple kids who didn't touch it.  Later that night, my Mom and Jeff showed up to join us for the rest of the weekend.

The next morning we had tickets to do the golf cart tour, but it was cancelled due to the weather.  We went to eat at Arnie's for lunch and met Andy's parents up there.  They were meeting the Brawners and Lissy for a few days.  After lunch, it was Fun Mountain time, and then we did the pool for a little bit that night.  

Sunday was beautiful so we got some breakfast at Truman house, and then the kids played miniature golf and volleyball.  We then went to Dogwood Canyon to ride bikes.  We biked all the way to Arkansas and back.  It is supposed to be a nice leisurely ride where you stop to look at things along the way, but to Atticus it was a race so we zipped right through.  We thought it was a neat little area, but kind of pricey to go to a park with man made water features. That night we ate at Devil's Pool, and then had everyone over for cake at our cabin for Baylor's birthday.  

We left the next day to head back home to wash clothes, and repack for our trip to St. Louis at the end of the week.  We finally got to go see Mr. Oliver, and he is precious.  The kids had fun with their cousins for the weekend, and we took the kids to the arch, or as Briley would call it, the ark.  They talk about going to it every time we are in St. Louis so we can now scratch that off the list.  It was a perfect weekend to wrap up spring break, and we had Monday off as well to get things ready to start a new week.  Let our crazy spring begin!