Monday, May 2, 2022

Happy 15th Birthday to Briley!

 Briley celebrated her 15th birthday last Monday.  I got up early to make her breakfast rolls before she was off to school.  Andy put on his pink polo shirt that he wore when she was born that day.  Makes me smile that he kept it after all these years.  That evening we went to Mi Ranchito for dinner, and then home for presents.  She got some new clothes, some Ultraboosts, perfume, and a hydroflask.  Birthday gifts certainly change as they get older.  Atticus gave her a birthday card that he found.  It has a sheepadoodle on it so he thought it was perfect.  We went to Andy's custard for her birthday treat after gifts.  

On Friday, Andy picked up his brand new car.  It is the first new car he has had, and he was so excited.  We had his old car detailed, and surprised Briley with the keys Friday night. She did not expect to be getting the luxury import for a long time because we didn't think we would be able to find a car for a decent price with the car shortages right now.  It is so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that she is old enough to drive.  She is growing up so darn fast! 

I'm so proud of the young lady you have become, Briley Mae.  We love watching you do what you love, and are always your number one fan.  Keep working hard, and having fun because that is what it is really all about.    Enjoy this new trip around the sun, and be careful while you are zipping back and forth from school.  Love you so much!


Book: Hunger Games

Movie: Christmas Vacation

Show: Gossip Girl

Color: Light Blue

Sport's Team: Chiefs

Sport: Soccer and running equally

Place: Florida

What makes you happy? PRing 

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Sports Medicine