Monday, May 2, 2022

Happy Easter and Finley's First Communion

 Every spring I feel like I hold my breath, and I don't exhale until the middle of May.  It's another crazy spring for us with soccer, flag football, baseball/softball, track, and dance.  As busy as we have been, we did have time to relax over the Easter weekend.  We had a game on Friday, and two on Saturday and that was it.  We spent Saturday afternoon dyeing Easter eggs, and making empty tomb desserts.  

The kids woke up Sunday, and were excited by the gifts the Easter bunny left them.  Briley got an outfit with some essential oils, and bombas socks, Baylor got football gloves, some Dude wipes, swim trunks, and finger skateboards, Finley got a swimsuit and cover up, a Bible, and slime, and Atticus got a swimsuit, Bakugons, and a new book.  After the baskets, we let them go outside to do the Easter egg hunt before the rain came.  Finley got the silver egg, and Briley got the gold...again.  Atticus was pretty upset that they won.  Finley, being the sweet sister she is, gave him half of her money.  I hope he appreciates how lucky he has to have her watching out for him.

We then were off to Church early to get our seats.  I love going to Mass at our Church for Easter, and we haven't been able to do that in several years.  It is so beautiful.  After Church, we came home to have a fancy brunch.  

The kids had Monday and Tuesday off after Easter so they went to work with me.  Baylor helped in the 2 year old room, Finley was in the 5 year old room, and Atticus was with me.  They all had a lot of fun, and ended up coming back with me the next day.  

Lissy came into town Tuesday evening.  We had a game and some practices that night, and she lucked out with a breakfast dinner when we got home from everything because it is quick..  It was a busy week of games, and practices, but we made it to Friday when everyone came for Finley's First Communion.  We ordered Joe's for dinner, and then we were off to Baylor's soccer game later that evening.

Finley's First Communion was on Saturday morning.  She was just so cute in her dress and veil.  She loves getting all dressed up, and has been practicing for her big day.  Lissy took some very sweet pictures of her before the Mass that were precious.  I can't wait to do something with them.  Father Luke gave the homily, and he did such a great job.  He is so good with kids, and keeping their attention.  We then went up as a family, and she received her First Communion.  The girl was beaming.

That afternoon, we had everyone over for lunch, and then we took the kids to Creative Culture.  It was really crowded, but I think most people enjoyed it.  Finley made a mug, Atticus did a spaceship piggy bank, Baylor made a football, and Briley did a very stressful sign.  It turned out well, but was angry the whole time.  

Our evening was eventful with our pizza getting delivered to the neighbor's house.  Andy had to go to the pizza shop for replacements, and while he was gone, Briley noticed that one of our trees was about to split apart in the strong winds we were having.  Andy, Asa, and Jared were able to take a big branch off so that the whole tree did not come crashing down on our house.  We said it was maybe a Clark Griswold moment for Andy out there with his saw.  Once we were done with all of that excitement, we celebrated Briley's birthday with presents and ice cream cake.  It will be a birthday to remember!